Chapter 2 - Greeting New and Old

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The Cardinal nodded to Mountain in greeting as you just stared blankly, not showing the complete and utter internal panic that was going on inside of you. You must have been staring for a while because Mountain gave you a nudge, his face showing faint concern. Laughing weakly, you bowed your head to the Cardinal. Not trusting your voice to speak, you just waved awkwardly at him, heart pounding in your ears. He had overheard what you were saying to Mountain, and you really did not want to have to explain the conversation to such a high-ranking member of the Clergy. As if prompted by your internal thoughts, the Cardinal spoke again.

“So, as I was saying, what was this talk of Papa Nihil fucking?” You could see the ghost of a smile on his lips as he took steps closer to the two of you.

The two of you started opening and closing your mouths like goldfish, so with a pinch of Mountain’s ass, you spurred him to speak even though it was you who got them into this trouble in the first place.

“Ah- We are sorry, Cardinal Copia.” Mountain stuttered out, “It... It was just a joke that my Sister, here, was making.” He nudged you back and you scowled at him.

“No apologies needed, Ghoul. Could I hear the joke?” The Cardinal clasped his gloved hands in front of himself, glancing inquisitively between yourself and the Ghoul next to you.

Mountain nudged you again and you gave him a pleading look which he shook his head to. Slightly panicked, and completely ignoring the Cardinal watching you with a questioning gaze, you signed ‘I don’t particularly trust my voice, Mountain.’ He gave you a look of sympathy but signed back ‘I know, and I’m sorry but I am not supposed to speak to the clergy. Sister has already scolded us Ghouls for it today.’ Your shoulders sank. With a heavy gulp, anxiety gripping your lungs tight, you turned to Cardinal Copia.

“Apologies, Cardinal... If you’re not aware, Sister Imperator is on a bit of a rampage today and a fellow Ghoul made the joke that she might not have been...” You swallowed; throat dry. “touched by his Dark Excellency in a while.”

For a moment there was silence. Biting your lip anxiously, you jumped when the Cardinal burst into a fit of laughter, his head swinging back as he howled, hand holding his biretta tight. Mountain snickered next to you as you stared in slight shock at this high ranked clergy member laughing so hard at such a joke. You couldn’t help but start to laugh again yourself.

You took a moment to take in the Cardinal. While this was not the first meeting you had envisioned, it was a first meeting, nonetheless. He was wearing a blood red cassock and biretta, his ashy brown hair slicked back in a similar style to Papa’s. His eyes, when he opened them between bouts of laughter, were so similar to Secondo’s; one a deep green while the other was a stark white. He wore black leather gloves over his hands. The Cardinal’s laughter began to die down as he took deep inhales to catch his breath, leaning his hand on the wall for support like Mountain had. Gathering himself, he wiped the tears from under his cheeks, smudging the black paint that had been neatly painted there.

“I’m sorry-” He whistled out a breath, “I didn’t catch your name, Sister. It is incredibly rude of me to not perform introductions properly.” Cardinal shook his head as if shaking away the laughter that had built up and held his hand out to you.

You didn’t take his hand, “I-I’m sorry, Sir. I don’t shake hands. I don’t mean any disrespect. My name is Sister Alastair, though you may hear me called various other names.”

Cardinal blinked and withdrew his hand, “That is quite alright, Sister. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Cardinal Copia.” He placed his hand over the symbol embroidered on his cassock and bowed.

You blushed at his bow; members of the Clergy never showed such respect to the Sisters. “It’s lovely to finally meet you, Cardinal. I’ve heard so much about you from Aether.” A smile tugged at the side of your mouth.

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