part 2

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It was late into the night and marshall's favorite show had ended. Everest really didn't understand it but she was just happy she could help him

"That was an awesome premiere!"
Hearing the happiness in his voice made Everest feel better

"I'm just glad you're happy that all"
"I am and thanks to you" with his tail wagging uncontrollably

After that, they could hear the sounds of their friends pulling up into the driveway of the lookout

"It seems there back" as marshall headed outside with Everest behind him

"That was an amazing date chase" as she gave him a kiss "I'm glad you love it skye" as he nuzzled her

When they glance at the entrance of the lookout they see marshall with Everest next to him

"It's nice of you two to show up ain't it"
Chase lets out a subtle groan
"Ok I'm sorry it's just we lost track of time"

As they walked in he asked
"Where the others at?"

"Well, Zuma is with ella to finally tell her brother that she and him are dating," replied the husky

"And rocky?" Asked Skye
"Well, gasket came here to ask for his help. When he agreed to help she basically dragged him away"
Marshall replied

"Well I'm sure they're ok and will be back either later in the night or tomorrow," skye knew they'll be ok on their own it hasn't been the first time there been gone before

"So what did you two do?" Asked chase

"Since everyone left, Everest and I watched the premiere of our favorite show remember" sarcastic tone was enough for chase to see Marshall was still a bit disappointed about him leaving

"Ok I'm sorry Marshall but one day you'll understand" with a smirk on chase's face in an attempt to tease the dalmation

Marshall sighs knowing chase wouldn't understand
" Sure dude" he replied

"But since I missed it, think you can let me know what happened," chase said trying to guilt trip marshall, even though he chose to leave

Marshall with a smug smile knew his friend would try that. he had it recorded just in case

"Good news for you I had it on record so we can rewatch it upstairs"
"Sweet let's go"
The two run into the elevator and head up

Leaving Everest and skye alone
"That was sweet of you Eve. To watch marshall's favorite show with him"

"Well since you all technically ditched him, I thought it was the only nice thing I could do "

Skye could see where Everest was coming from
"Yeah we're sorry about that, the thing is, we all forgot about him when it comes to our private lives"

"Skye I get why but remember how it makes him feel when he's all alone. Especially if all his friends are leaving him without thinking about him. I know you all have your personal lives but just keep marshall in mind"

"I know but will try to make sure we stop that from happening again in the future" skye reassure her
She knew they didn't mean for all of them to ditch marshall like that but occasionally they tend to forget to hang out has friends

Everest smile
The two would talk about chase and Skye's date while marshall would watch the show again with chase

After chase and marshall show has ended skye and Everest walked in

"Hey love it's late I think we should go to bed " skye yawned and leaned her head on her boyfriend

Chase looked at the time and she was right
"Yeah we should good night you two"

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