Journey Start

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Tora and Izuku were having another sleepover. But this time it was at her place. Both of them were sound asleep in each other's arms until Tora's alarm clock went off at 4:00 AM. Izuku sleepily opened his eyes and sat up to stretch, shortly after followed by Tora.

"Good morning Tora." Izuku greeted Tora.

"Good morning Izuku. Did you sleep well?" Tora asked Izuku who nodded his head.

"Yeah I did. I slept really well. The only times I've had such peaceful slumbers is during our sleepovers. It seems like I have the best quality sleep whenever I'm next to you." Izuku said as Tora blushed.

"Anyways lets get ready. We have to meet All Might at 4:55. That's when the sun starts to rise." Tora said as Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Right! We don't want to be late." Izuku said as he and Tora got dressed, facing away from each other to give one another privacy. Once they were dressed, they headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. The smell of pancakes, maple syrup and bacon started to fill the apartment. When Tora and Izuku entered the kitchen/dining area, they saw Tora's mother cooking breakfast.

"Mom? What are you doing up so early in the morning?" Tora asked her mother. She turned around and smiled at the two teens.

"Well good morning you two! I'm making breakfast for you, of course. You need a good meal before you leave, right?" Tora's mother said as she turned her attention back to her cooking.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Is Dad up too?" Tora asked her mother who was humming while she cooked.

"Mm actually yes. He had an emergency call from his hero agency, so he's out working." Tora's mother answered her. Tora's father, or the Wildlife Hero: AniMaster, was a fairly popular hero as she just found out two days ago. Although, she should've expected it. Her father's quirk, personality and core values made him an excellent asset to the hero profession. He could summon up to five different animal species at once, and had the ability to communicate and control them. As long as there weren't more than five different species, he could summon multiple groups of animals. He could take complete control over the animals he summoned, but due to his personality and values he preferred to communicate and work with them instead of take over them. He only used the take over feature of his quirk for extremely stubborn and non-compliant animals. If circumstances allowed it, he'd swap out an animal or animals if they were not willing to work with him. If he was called to a scene at this hour, it must have been pretty serious. Tora hoped her dad was going to be okay. But the smell of food drew her away from those thoughts.

"Okay, breakfast is ready!" Tora's mother announced as she placed plates of food in front of Tora and Izuku.

"Thank you for the meal Akira-san! This looks delicious. We really appreciate it." Izuku thanked Tora's mother and Tora nodded her head in agreement since her mouth was already full.

"Just let me know if you want more, okay?" Tora's mother said as the two teens just nodded their heads, both their mouths full now. Tora's mom chuckled then walked over to the living room, sat down and picked up a book to read. Tora and Izuku ate the rest of their breakfast then went to go brush their teeth and then headed out. They arrived at Dagoba Municipal Beach Park to see All Might waiting for them there in his muscular form. He sat on an old fridge that he had tied ropes around and told Izuku to haul it further up the shore. Izuku slung the ropes attached to the fridge over his shoulders and tried to move it. He struggled until he slipped and fell.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's pretty comfy up on this fridge. How're you doing down there? People move these every day, you know. And most of them don't have any super strength." All Might said to Izuku.

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