I Belong to Izuku

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It was 5:30 AM and there was still two and a half hours left until Tora and Izuku had to be at school. They had already changed into their school uniforms and just needed to finish getting ready for the day, but that wouldn't take the full two and a half hours.

"Hey so uh, what do you want to do now? It's only 5:30 in the morning right now. We don't have to leave for school until 7:30 to be there by 8:00." Tora asked Izuku who thought about how to pass the time until they had to start walking to their middle school: Aldera Junior High.

"Hmm, how about going further down memory lane?" Izuku said as he held out his hand to Tora. She seemed a little puzzled but then smiled and intertwined her fingers with his. As he walked through the small apartment he lived in with his mom, Tora figured out where he was taking her.

"We're going to the storage closet aren't we?" Tora asked Izuku who smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I expected that you would figure that out. You're as smart as always, I see. Your observation and analytical skills know no bounds." Izuku complimented Tora as she briefly blushed.

"Aww thanks Izuku. But it's because of you that those skills are as polished as they are. I developed them with you while helping you gathering hero data over the years. So it goes without saying, your observation and analytical skills are off the charts as well." Tora said, complimenting Izuku back as he blushed. Both Tora and Izuku loved heroes before they even met. But they've been growing their love for all things heroic together since they were toddlers. They approached the closet and Izuku let go of Tora's hand then opened it. He stepped inside and rummaged about until he came out with a box with "Izuku's Keepsakes" in his mother's handwriting written in big letters on the side. He brought it to his room with Tora following right behind. The two of them sat on Izuku's bed as they went through the box together.

"Wow we've known each other for so long, I remember nearly everything in this box." Tora said as she and Izuku took turns pulling things out of the box. They talked and laughed over the memories attached to the various items they found. Most of the items were old toys that Tora and Izuku used to play with together. Tora got to Izuku's All Might onesie that he used to wear when they played their role play game Hero Missions together. She smiled when she pulled it out.

"Remember this Izuku? You used to wear this when we played Hero Missions together. You'd pretend to be All Might and I'd be the hero Tigress. We'd capture villains and rescue civilians." Tora said as she held up the All Might onesie for Izuku to see, triggering nostalgic childhood memories.

"Haha yeah. Those were the good old days." Izuku said, smiling as he chuckled. He pulled out a stuffed animal tiger that Tora gave him when they were little. She had a lot of stuffed tigers and decided to give Izuku one of her favorites to remember her by just in case one of them were to move away one day. Fortunately, that day hadn't come yet.

"Hey Tora? Do you still have that All Might figurine I gave you when we were little?" Izuku asked Tora as she stopped rummaging through the box and looked at him.

"Of course I do! Why would I give away my best friend's favorite All Might toy? Not to mention, All Might is my favorite pro hero too." Tora answered Izuku. Back when she gave her stuffed tiger to Izuku, he also decided to give her something: a limited edition All Might figurine. It was one of his favorite toys as well. Since Tora was giving him a toy she loved, he found it only fair that he give her a toy of his that he loved. It was an even trade. The two of them passed the time going through Izuku's keepsake box until Izuku's mother called them into the kitchen for breakfast. They ate then brushed their teeth and headed off to school. The first half of the school day went by without any drama from Bakugo and his buddies which both Tora and Izuku found a little odd, but shrugged it off. It was a nice change of pace to be left alone and not be bullied. Lunch time rolled around and Tora left the classroom with Izuku to go eat together. As they left, she noticed Bakugo shoot a jealous glare at Izuku. Then he switched his glance over to Tora. When his eyes met hers, his expression changed. He still wore a frown, but there seemed to be a hint of sullenness in his stare. She found that a bit peculiar, but ignored it and went on her way with Izuku to the cafeteria. The two of them enjoyed their lunch together, chatting away about the past and random things that popped up in their minds. The rest of the school day flew by like normal. Tora and Izuku met up after their last class to walk home together like they've always done for years. But right as they were about to leave, Bakugo approached them. He didn't have his lackeys with him this time, but it still made the two of them feel uneasy. Izuku got a little tense as his former childhood friend approached him and his girlfriend. Tora tensed up too out of habit... then she remembered that she had a quirk now and relaxed a bit, but kept her guard up.

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