How interesting.

"Get out of here, now! This is no place for civilians!" The golden haired man yelled once more, bending his knees, preparing to rush in. I glanced at him once more, a myriad of figures being cast in his shadow, not the ones I had seen earlier however.

The shadows of shinobi.

Tattered battle armor stained with wood and blood. Golden cloak a-glow with god-like might. Will of the dragon bared by the lowest.

I suppose that I'll know soon enough.

With that, I wordlessly dismissed the man, instead turning my gaze to the other power on the battlefield. As I laid my transcendent eyes upon him, I felt a sense of disgust wash over me. My divine features hardened, facing the imperfection.

A faceless man, identity lost to time. Midnight suit shredded and torn. Even basic symmetry defiled by his hulking left arm, an amalgamation of flesh and steel, jagged drills poking up from the ancient muscle. His mouth curled up in intrigue and disgust. Even without eyes, I could tell he was looking right at me, as if to assert his superiority.

Over me.


"Another hero sent to die? No, an innocent. While I commend your bravery, take heed in knowing it will be your last act." The abomination growled out, with a voice that should have been long buried. Its limbs tensed, mouth in a blinding snarl as it cackled into the wind. At speed invisible to most, the creature lunged forward, aiming to take my head.

"No! Don't you dare! This is between me and you, All For One!" His opponent roared, bulky muscles pulsating with second winded fury. He charged at the same time, fist cocked back ready to slam into the monster attempting to harm me.

I find intrigue as to why they act this way, as if my existence doesn't supersede their own by an infinite amount. Like my divine being doesn't exist so far beyond their comprehension, that just a drop in the ocean of my capability would reduce all worlds to ash. I chuckled darkly, a smirk of the divine adorning my pale face.

Such ignorance.

The two dying powers rushed to meet me, one on the defense, another on the attack. They reach me in seconds, ready to gamble away my life with a single collision of ideas.

My ideas are truth.

As I will it to be, both men stop in their tracks, bodies held captive by forces beyond this world. Emanations of god from the realm of limbo. Shock is mirrored on both faces, blue iris' widening in blackened screla. The demon facing me snarls, struggling aimlessly against the infinite power I command.

"Such nothings hold no weight in front of the almighty." I boom, before with a single thought the faceless man was sent flying back, colliding with the earth with a cry of rage. I could feel the planet weep with each step it took, clambering back to its feet with unsuppressed anger. But after a few moments I felt it simmer away, instead being held together by a mask of bravado.

"Perhaps you're not a civilian then. How interesting, if you may, what quirk is it that you wield, young man?" He asked me, a non-existent eyebrow raised. He stood as if he could intimidate me, lesson unlearned from moments ago. But still, his words gave me knowledge.

'Quirk? Perhaps it is what they call chakra in this world." I mused. The man stood before me, awaiting an answer, while the blue eyed, spandex man from before struggled against limbo.

"My quirk? How foolish to assume I draw on such a flimsy power, I am composed of something much more divine. I am the beginning and end, blessed with the powers of the Sage of Six Paths. I can do anything, for all of creation is my canvas." My heavenly voice boomed outwards, audible to everyone in the dying city. A spotlight fell over me, and with a glance I could see some sort of flying contraption above me, men peering down with a mixture of confusion, fear, and awe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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