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I hissed as my eyes shot open, terror tightening its hand around my windpipe and giving it a squeeze. I thought I was still there on the floor, bleeding and begging for Madeline. It was what I remembered. It was the LAST thing I remembered, but in reality...


"Dad!" Danica's voice exclaimed from somewhere beside me. I instantly relaxed a bit as I saw her face lean over mine. "Dad, it's okay."

"Where is she? Where's Maddie?" I croaked my eyes darting around the dimly lit hospital room. How the fuck did I get here? How much had I missed?

I tried to push myself up, but immediately regretted that decision as pain stabbed through my midsection.

"No, no, no," Danica rattled off, rising from her chair, and pressing her hand softly against my shoulder. "You can't get up. Stay there. It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

"Where's Maddie? I need to find Maddie."

Danica looked at me quizzically. "What do you mean? She's gone. I... we all thought..."

"They took her. I have to find her."

I watched Danica's worry melt into sympathy. Though maybe it wasn't sympathy and more 'This poor, dumb bastard.' "Dad, she's gone. Whatever happened last night, she ran. She didn't even stay to help you."

"Dani, that's not..."

"Well, look who's awake."

I looked to the door of my hospital room as Mike strolled in, two coffees in hand. "I need to get out of here," I said, my tone pleading for his help, as he passed off one of the drinks in his hands.

"Decaf," he stated, giving Danica a wink before turning his attention to me. "Not gonna happen today, buddy. Doctors just sewed like half of your abdomen back together. You're gonna be out of commission for a minute."

"I can't!" I exclaimed, once again trying to pull myself out of bed. However, the second I remotely straightened my posture, I felt a searing pain in my side. Fuck. I tried to hide my wince in hopes of convincing Danica and Mike that I was fine. "I have to go, Mike. I have to find her."

"Chuck's looking for her, man. Relax," Mike insisted, capping my shoulder with a steady hand. "It'll be alright."

"You don't understand! She didn't do this!"

"I'm sorry, man, but it's looking like that's exactly what happened."

"NO!" I shouted. "They TOOK her! She didn't fucking do this!"

"Grant, breathe," Mike instructed. He took a couple of slow, deep breaths as if he could get me to do the same. "I know it's hard to believe..."

"IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE BECAUSE IT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" I roared. Suddenly the wound in my side throbbed hard enough to knock the wind out of me. I hissed as I leaned back against the pillows behind me. Deep breaths, I told myself. You won't do her any good dead. I closed my eyes and inhaled, trying to squelch the anger bubbling inside me. "I need to talk to Chuck."

"He's on his way," Mike responded. "You've been in and out for the last forty-eight hours, so he hasn't been able to question you yet."

My eyes widened in horror. "I've been out for TWO DAYS?"

"In and out," Danica replied. "You'd wake up and mumble things every once in a while, but nothing coherent."

"I have to go. I have to get outta here. They could be halfway across the fucking world by now."

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