Chapter 1: Introduction

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I cursed as I heard the sound of my alarm going off,I sit up on my bed and rub my eyes to get a clearer view from my clock. It's 6 am in the morning "Why the fuck did I set it this early again?!" I said furiously while scratching my head. Yes, I have classes today but it starts around 10 am until 4 pm and here I am trying to go back to sleep but due to the sound of my alarm which shocked me a little just now, I can't seem to go back to sleep.

"The dream was so good, fuck you!" I glared at my alarm clock though I know it won't do anything but still... I'm a weirdo lol

I sighed as I slowly get up from my bed, yeah slowly because I have low iron deficiency which is suck. Anyways, I start making my way to the bathroom to do my morning routines. After doing so, I wear something comfy and since it's still early I decided to go on a walk.

"Yup, that sounds nice." I grab all the things I need and starts making my way out of the house. As I got out of the house, I was welcomed by the fresh air which is very calming and relaxing. I love starting my day with morning walks. It's a great way to maintain your heart health and prevent high blood pressure.

Few minutes had passed, so I decided to grab breakfast at the Cafe nearby . Don't get fooled by me, sure I always go to the cafe but my usual order is matcha latte. I'm not really a coffee type of person so matcha is everything to me. Right, how dumb can I be to forget about introducing myself..

So yes, my name is Lee Y/N, am 20 years old, born and raised in Korea and I don't like people. I do have a best friend but I don't really socialize with others. I go to WhatevertheUnicalled university and majoring in Arts. I love arts in general because i can express how I'm feeling through it. I'm not the type who can easily open up about my problems to someone but if I did then it really means I desperately want to let it out and I trust the person. However, I like the feeling of being mysterious. No one knows about me and i don't know about them. Definitely, in my 'IDGAF' era.

Even so, i will always talk out my feelings to my best friend because she's the only one I trust. We have been friends since forever and I'm so grateful to have her in my life though I hate her sometimes but hey that's normal, right? Also did I talked about my family yet? Nope so let's just keep it as a secret for now, yeah? Just kidding. So if you didn't know yet, my mom is a CEO at Casse-Cou Entertainment (I'm just picking up random names atp) and my dad is ehehehe guess what? The cafe I'm going to right now is actually my dad's...*gasps* shocking, right? No? Of course it's shocking like my mom as a CEO of a famous company ? I am definitely living in a woman's world.

Meanwhile, this Cafe shop is called Retrouvailles which is from one of the most inspiring words in French that describes the feeling of joy and enthusiasm of a long-awaited reunion with a loved-one. In which, I find it impressive enough for my father to even come up with this idea to name his Cafe by this unique name where I can actually see how joyful everyone is in this cafe chit chatting with their partners, friends or families.

Okay moving on, I have an older brother too and he is known worldwide as he is a rugby player or athlete or however we call it. He's barely home so I barely seen him around but he would always text me to check up on us and make sure everything is okay with us at home. Such a good brother I would say '*fake sobs* I miss you bro' I said in my mind.

"Y/F/N" [Your Fake Names]

Just as I was about to talk some more, the barista called my name. That's my fake name by the way because why should I use my real names right? RIGHT? and they don't even know that I'm the daughter of the owner of this cafe. Good I guess, at least I'll be treated like other customers.

I picked up my orders and went back to my spot earlier. I tasted my matcha latte and sweet God I'll never get tired of it. I look at the time and it's still early as in 7.48 am. Without further ado,I take out my sketch book along with my headphones and start drawing what I have in front of me. At least with these sketches I can get my boredness away. As I was getting into drawing, I can feel someone gazing at me but like I said earlier ' I'm in my 'IDGAF' era' so I just shrugged it off while enjoying the songs playing in my headphones and continue my drawing.

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