Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to my new fic! This is my final submission to SwanQueen Supernova last year, so once again this is a completed fic! No fear of being abandoned. I will continue to post as I have been, Tuesday morning/afternoon. As always, there is some notes before we dive right in.

First, there is a Major Character Death. But it is only temporary, I promise. The entire premiss of the story is to bring them back! And it has a happy ending, I promise!

Second, the amazing artist, Redge created the most amazing piece of art for this story. Please check it out on AO3 when you get a chance. You will not be disappointed.

and as always, I do not own Once Upon a Time, the characters or any details associated with it. The world is theirs, but story is mine!

And now, without further ado, I present to you, "Save Emma"

Part One: Storybrooke, Maine

Chapter 1

Emma laid on the ground, her father's sword laying next to her where she dropped it, all signs of Gideon gone. The group ran over to her, Henry being the first to reach her lifeless body.

"I love you." He cried, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead, the same way she kissed him four years ago to wake him from the sleeping curse. But this time there was no curse broken. No rainbow flash of magic spread from them. Emma didn't wake up like Henry had. Snow pushed her way through the group and pulled her daughter's body into her arms, a small pool of blood beginning to collect on the ground beneath her. Snow sobbed uncontrollably when she felt Charming pull them both into his arms, cradling his wife as Snow held their daughter's dead body against her chest.

Regina knelt down behind her son, wrapping her arms around him tightly, as she gazed over at the body of the Savior. The woman with whom she shared her son. Emma. The woman who came barging into town four years ago, and completely changed her life forever. Henry instantly turned around in Regina's arms, and cried into her shoulder, his body shaking with grief, as he sat just a few feet away from his biological mother's body. She didn't know when, but at some point, Regina began to cry as well, her tears falling into Henry's hair.

What felt like an eternity later, Charming pulled away from Snow, forcing her to release Emma from her vice grip, picking up his daughter's body into his arms, holding her close to his chest. As he stood, Emma's blood began to drip to the ground, staining his boots.

"Where are you taking her?" Henry asked, choking back sobs.

"I....I...I don't know." Charming said, as he held his daughter's body.

"Not the hospital!" Snow yelled, moving to cradle her daughter's head in her hands, kissing her forehead. "I can't leave her in the morgue all alone. I just can't." Snow cried.

"David, bring her to my vault. She'll be safe there until we can make arrangements for her final resting." Regina said, holding Henry tight.

"Are you sure?" Charming asked, shifting Emma's weight in his arms.

"I'm positive." Regina added. "I'll sit with her tonight, so she's not alone." Regina said.

"Regina. I can't ask you to do that." Snow said, momentarily composing herself.

"You're not asking, I'm offering." Regina said, turning towards Henry. "Henry, you should be with your grandparents tonight. The three of you need to mourn together." Regina said, nodding towards Snow and Charming.

"Thank you, Regina." Charming said, as Regina began to lead the way towards her vault.

They walked silently for what felt like forever, until they reached the front door of Regina's vault. Regina swiftly slid her father's stone coffin to the side, revealing the entrance to Regina's underground vault. Leading the way through the maze of rooms, past the wall of beating hearts and the many rooms filled with magical tomes and potion ingredients, Regina stopped when she entered a small empty room in the back corner.

Save EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now