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Kyra talking:
Hello, I'm Kyra. I'm a very agile cat who lives in Mount Bulk, I know this place with the back of my paw! Well, I'm an anthro cat to be more specific..
Thursday, 8 am
She woke up, stretching her arms and yawning like usual. She got up and walked to the bathroom, starting to wash her face and teeth. She went back into her room, getting some comfy & beige clothes as she loves.
She walked downstairs to the kitchen, thinking of what she would eat. She got the idea to make pancakes, and so she started doing them. Some minutes after she was done with it, she placed them on a plate them put them on the table. She started to eat them with no problems. After it, she went to wash the plate and leave it to dry.
-Oh my...what should I do now? I can't just sit here all day...I'm going for a walk.
She took her waist bag, her pills, the small med kit, and the keys. She put the pills and the med kit inside the waist bag, opened the door, and left the house, closing the door with the keys and putting them in the waist bag right away.
She started walking around Mount Bulk, hearing the birds humming, squirrels running onto the trees, etc.
She found a piece in the river, she went closer and touched it. The piece started to rise and then a "portal" showed up. She was sucked by it, she fell unconscious inside a cave, her arm lightly bleeding.
1 hour after she was woken up by a group of 5 people. Cuphead, Mugman, Felix the cat, Boris, and especially Bendy.
-Hello? -Bendy shook her left arm, while Mugman was finding a way to cover the wound on the right arm- Are you there?
His voice was in a worried tone. After waking up she coughed twice and asked:
-Who are you..where am I?.- After seeing everything clearly, she looked at Mugman and Bendy. She pulled her arm away from Mugman's hands and hissed, looking at everyone.
-Hey, hey! -Cuphead shouted- We aren't hurting you in any way, calm down there!
Her ears pinned back, and she lightly hissed once again. She held her right arm near her chest.
-Who are you all?!- She shouted in fear.
-Oi don't shout at us!- Cuphead shouted at her, and Bendy held him back.
-We are trying to help you, what happened?-He asked, still with a worried tone of voice.
Kyra went silent, still holding her right arm close to her chest.
Boris showed up behind Cuphead, he walked towards Kyra and sat on his knees, and looked at her in the eyes:
-Ms. We aren't trying to hurt you, could you please tell us what happened? -He said in a soft tone.
-I don't know, I don't know what happened..-She lowered her head, letting her ears fall forward, hiding her eyes.
Boris hugged her, and Felix asked Kyra.
-Did you get sucked by a "portal" in a river? Maybe you have the same problem as us.
She lifted her head and ears.
-Yeah, I was.
-I knew it, she wouldn't hurt herself like that! -He turned his head to Bendy, who nodded positively.
She let go of her arm, her ears falling backward in pain.
-Mugman, help her there.
Mugman nodded and picked her arm gently, starting to treat her wound.
-What's inside that? -Cuphead pointed to the waist bag.
-A small med kit and my anxiety pills, why do you need to know?-she asked rudely
-A med kit? You could've told us earlier! Can I use the med kit on you?-Mugman asked
-Yeah, sure. -She opened her waist bag and gave the med kit to him.
-So, you're okay except for the wound? -Felix asked, looking directly at her.
-Well, not at all, but I think I'm fine.
-Cuphead can take her on his back, can you?- Felix looked at Cuphead, who nodded positively.
Mugman was done with her wound, giving the medkit back to Kyra. She got up with Boris and Felix's help, which she got on Cupheads back.
She dozed off (fainted) silently while they walked around the cave to find an exit
-Cuphead, is she awake?-Bendy asked, looking back at Cuphead.
He nodded negatively, holding her tightly so she wouldn't fall.
A few minutes later the group found an exit that was closed with rocks.
-I can handle this! -Bendy walked towards the rocks and picked one of them up, throwing it away
-That's going to take time Bendy, what it Cuphead uses his power to be quicker?-Boris said looking back at Cuphead
-I have a girl on my back, do you think that I can do anything?
-Oh right, heh...
-Double the power for me!-Mugman walked towards the rocks, forming a ball of power, throwing it at the rock, making an exit.
-Finally some sunlight!- Boris shouted, running through the exit.
The group walked around, following Boris who had the map for the ink machine piece.
-So many parts of boulder spiders..-Felix analyzed the way.
They walked till Felix found the high-sea mermaid.
-That familiar piece was the high-sea mermaid symbol! How could I not notice that?
-How are we going past her?-Mugman asked Boris.
-We don't need to go past the high-sea mermaid...the piece is..inside her head?!-Boris shouted in shock.
Kyra woke up due to the shout, she watched everyone talk and battle against the giant high-sea mermaid. She glared at Bendy, questioning herself about what was happening with him, ink was pouring down his face. She couldn't talk, she knew herself that her voice was failing too much.
He turned into Ink Bendy, ink dripping from his face. Boris was shocked to see him like that
Everything went like a normal battle, Bendy making most of the work.
Mugman was caught and "eaten", but a good old decapitation was done and he was rescued.
Cuphead left Kyra with Boris and Felix, which she sat near them, not being completely able to stand up on her own.
-Miss, we haven't asked your name.
-My name's Kyra, you can call me Kya for short...
-Okay Ms. Kyra.
The battle went on, till Bendy lost his form and started to fall
-BENDY!..-Boris shouted, Felix, threw an inflatable box to where Bendy was gonna fall.
Boris ran up to him while Felix stayed with Kyra, taking care of her.
Bendy woke up, coughing, but Boris took care of him.
Kyra was resting her head on the wall, quiet.
-Ehm, hang on there Ms. Kyra, I'm going to see if Bendy's okay.-Felix ran up to Bendy and Boris
A lot of things and questions were running through Kyra's head, she didn't know clearly what had happened to her or how did they find her, overall she was very confused.
In any way, she found Felix very cool and good-looking, although she found Bendy much more handsome, her eyes were only on him, and his worry at first, was the thing that wouldn't come out of her head, she was thinking of it nonstop. She twitched her ear and tail. "I can't just sit and watch..I need to do something, I can't sit here like a highly sensitive cat!" She thought. She held herself to the wall, trying to get up. Her tail swayed side to side, feeling her legs tremble. She eventually got up and walked nearer everyone, she was too far from them before. Holding onto the rock fence, her tail swaying side to side quickly, keeping her balance
-Miss! You're up! -Bendy glared at her, his eyes shining while smiling warmly at Kyra
-Her name is Kyra- Felix whispered to Bendy.
She was still quiet, still swaying her tail quickly while holding her hand on her wound. She smiled warmly at Bendy but turned her sight to where they were, analyzing where she was.
-Where are we? -She asked, her voice still failing. She coughed afterward.
-Boris, where are we? -Felix looked over to Boris
-We are in the interior part of Mount Bulk!
"Agh..I'm far from home.." she thought while holding her head down.
-Ms. Kyra? You're okay? -Bendy questioned
-Y-yeah yeah, i-i'm fine.. -She answered, her voice still failing, she lightly growled afterwards

Bendy and Boris: The Quest For The Ink Machineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें