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Sunday, 10 am
It was a new day and everyone was already looking for the piece. Cuphead was mocking and teasing Kyra. Her ears were already pinned back, she had growled a few times but nothing scared him off. He went on and on till she punched him on his arm, he rubbed the place and shouted.
-Geez! I'm just mocking you what's with that attitude? -Cups asked, Kyra, shot him the death glare and growled, she walked faster close to Bendy and Felix.
The walk went on till the map flew out of Boris's hands and flew somewhere.
-Quick! Run after it! -Boris shouted, everyone started to run after it, till the map stopped and pointed to the forest on the other side of the river. "Huh? The other side? " Kyra was lost in her thoughts, she zoned out for a few minutes till Bendy called her out.
-Ms. Kyra? Ms. Kyra! -Bendy called her name, and she shook her head.
-Oh, heh, sorry.
There were some rocks to jump on to get to the other side. Felix was the one to spot it out first, the group followed him, jumping on every rock ever so carefully so no one would get hurt.
They went through the forest, a field camp with an X in the middle, Felix and Bendy started digging on the X. Kyra saw a figure run in the corner of her eye while her crystal necklace glowed bright blue, she turned around to see a black figure shooting an arrow at her direction, it got her on her arm where the previous wound was still healing.
-AAAGH!-Kyra screamed in agony and pain, she fell to her knees holding near the arrow, crying loudly in pain, she couldn't hold it in. Everyone looked back at her, shocked, seeing the black figure run away into the woods.
-MS. KYRA! -Bendy gave up on digging and ran to her, Boris and Mugman went close to help. Kyra couldn't help but cry while her ears had fallen back.
-We need to take this arrow off, unluckily it landed on the same spot when we met her. -Felix came closer aswell.-Ms. Kyra, we gotta take this off and bandage the same spot again.
-NO, NO, NO! IT HURTS ALREADY LIKE THIS..!-She refused, shouting with tears in her eyes.
-We have no other choice...Just think less about it. -Felix placed his hand on the wood part of the arrow while Bendy hugged her, holding her head on his shoulder.
-NO...NO.! -She screamed in pain, Felix pulled it out as fast as he could, Bendy hearing her screams of pain while he held back his tears.
Mugman took her first aid kit out of her waist bag, she was the only one that had those things. They pulled the hoodie's sleeve back and bandaged the big wound, Kyra didn't and couldn't look at it, she had her head on Bendy's shoulder and he stopped her from looking by holding her head there. 10 minutes had passed and they were done with the wound. Instead, Cuphead and Felix dug for the piece that was really deep down, while Kyra sat and leaned onto a tree, holding the bandaged wound while sobbing in pain quietly. Her head was down and her ears had fallen forward too, Bendy sat close to her even tho he hated hearing her cry, he tried to comfort her by stroking her head.
-It's going to be fine, everything's alright.
-No i-t's n-not..-She said between sobs, mumbling.
She laid down on Bendy's lap, still sobbing. He went on stroking her head, they were there for good 15 minutes when he noticed she had fallen asleep.
Bendy's POV: ON
She had the most peaceful and beautiful face while she slept on my lap. I blushed and kept stroking her head, her slick fur was already very messy and it didn't change much. Her hoodie had blood stains on it, but they weren't very noticeable, only the hole caused by the arrow. It was almost impossible to hear her purr while she slept, bet she didn't even know about such. I looked over to the rest of the group that was digging a hole in the X, it was already very deep but the piece was nowhere to be found. I did want to help but the urge to hear her purr while she slept made me stay there and watch them. 15 minutes have passed and she hasn't woken up still..eventually, I took a nap since the piece was nowhere to be found in the hole.
3rd Person
Several minutes have past and Kyra woke up, quickly spotting the rest of the group sitting in a circle, Boris explained what was on the map since they couldn't see a thing, the map was blank for them.
-Morning sleepyhead.-A sweet but deep voice was heard near Kyra's ear, she turned her face to the side, seeing Bendy looking at her blushing bright pink while smiling. She could still feel the pain in the wound, it wouldn't go away. She got up from Bendy's lap and looked at the group once again, still leaning onto the tree since she felt that it would be a bad idea if she got up, she felt her legs weak, meaning that she saw something before that triggered her body to weakness.
-Are you alright now? -Bendy looked over to her, and she lazily nodded, lying 100%...and she was aware of it.
Bendy got up and stuck out his hand to help her to get up, she held onto his hand and quickly held herself onto the tree after letting go of his hand. He questioned himself why she was holding onto the tree since she said that she was fine.
-Are you lying to me? -He crossed his arms, straightly looking at her.
She didn't answer or make any head movement, she felt guilty for lying to him, she sat down again, hugging her knees and clearly knowing that she could fall at any moment, lowering her head. He knelt and held her chin so she could look at him.
-There's no need to lie to me, if you don't feel alright still, I'll be by your side. -He smiled, and she blushed feeling his hand brush her cheek.-I'll just see what are the others doing and I'll be right back.
He got up and went close to the group, kneeling to see what they were doing. Kyra was flustered and covered her eyes with her right-hand rethinking what just happened. He walked to where Kyra was, sitting close to her.
-Someone's flustered. -He chuckled
-S-Shut up.-Kyra stuttered, her tail tip tapping the ground.
She felt a raindrop right on her nose, she cleaned the raindrop from her nose and looked at the sky, the grey clouds were covering the light blue sky. More raindrops fell till it started raining, and the rest of the group went to Kyra and Bendy who were under a tree.
-We better go to Kyra's house, it started raining and probably a thunderstorm will come too.-Felix said, looking straight at Bendy.
-Alright, take her on your back Cups. -He got up, already knowing what cuphead was gonna ask he whispered in his ear that Kyra couldn't walk.
She looked up at him, Bendy stuck out his hand to help her to get up and go onto Cuphead's back. Kyra started leading the way to her house. Getting there, she handed Cuphead her keys so he could open the door. He left the keys in the drawer, and Cuphead noticed her sleeping.
-Did she even get sleep at night?
-Looks like not.-Bendy looked over at her, no movement was done by her and she was soaked in water like everyone. Her ears had fallen backwards, dripping rainwater slowly, drop by drop on her hoodie.
-I think that laying her on the sofa with her wet hoodie wouldn't be a good idea.
-Then what do you suggest?-Cuphead turned to Bendy.
-Uhm, take it off? I'm sure she has another shirt under it.
Cuphead rolled his eyes and laid her with her hoodie on the sofa anyways, he didn't care as much as Bendy did. Boris knowing how Bendy wouldn't be able to take off her hoodie, he checked if she had another shirt under, which she did. Boris took her hoodie off gently so she wouldn't wake up by any chance. She did twitch her ear but didn't wake up, the hoodie had a hole on the left arm caused by the arrow that hit her with blood stains around the hole. He gave the hoodie to Felix, he didn't mind putting it in the laundry.
Bendy sat on the sofa, he looked over at the blood-stained bandage, he felt bad for not being able to help her on time..he moved to the other side of the sofa where Kyra's head was laying, he lifted her and laid her head on his lap, picking the tv remote and turning the tv on. Felix walked through the living room door, looking at Bendy with a 'really?' face, Bendy smiled awkwardly, and Felix noticed Kyra's face with a slight smile, he went upstairs knowing that it was more than a friendship. A rumble of thunder made a loud sound, causing Kyra to whine for a quick second.
-Shhh..-Bendy heard it and stroked her head, causing her to purr and slightly move her tail.
He eventually closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, but while he didn't, he kept stroking her head to hear her purr.
With the others upstairs...
-OKAY SO, who believes that Bendy and Kyra will date?-Felix asked, lifting his hand onto the air. Mugman and Boris did the same.
-Alright, Cuphead thinks that they will stay as friends. If we are wrong, we give you 100$, if you are wrong, you give us each 100$, sounds fair?-Felix asked, sticking out his hand to make it a deal.
-Eh...Sounds fair. -Felix and Cuphead shook hands, making it a deal.-WAIT WHAT?
-Deal is a deal, you can't change it now! -Felix laughed and grinned evilly at him while he left the room to go downstairs.
-Lovebirds. -Felix rolled his eyes, while he walked past the living room door to get to the bathroom.
Everyone had changed clothes, only Kyra that was still in her normal clothes, pretending to be asleep.
-Damn she really didn't get sleep at night.-Mugman leaned on the living room's door.
-I can hear you.-She answered him, flicking her ear.
-WHAT HOW? -he felt stupid for asking that question.
-I'm a good sleeping actress.- Kyra opened her eyes, sitting up on the sofa.
-Gosh, you sure are.-Mugman left, Kyra chuckling after that.
A rumble of thunder made a loud sound once again, Kyra whined for a quick second then shouted.
-WHY SO LOUD BITCH? -she complained to the thunder as it could hear her, Mugman fell to the ground laughing since he was still in the entrance hall.

Bendy and Boris: The Quest For The Ink MachineWhere stories live. Discover now