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H: what does one wear to a farmers market

H: is it a flannel exclusive event? Farmer dungarees? Or 'over alls'? I'm assuming denim?

Sugar: I mean... anything. Lol. It isn't a dress coded thing. I'm wearing jeans, nothing too fancy.

Sugar: though... I would enjoy seeing you in overalls.

H: har har. Very funny.

H: I didn't want to show up with trousers and supposed to be in cowboy boots or something!

Sugar: I know. It would have been very cute though.

H: yeehaw, and all that.  Xx


H: do I need to bring anything to the farmers market?

H: and are there flowers there? I'm researching a little bit.

Sugar: researching???

Sugar: H... you're very cute. But it's okay. Relax :)

Sugar: ps yes there are many many flowers

H: sorry... I'm just excited. I want it to be a good time for you. X

Sugar: do not apologize!!! Please.. this is the most effort anyone's made to know the situation before a date. So... I'm just finding it endearing.

H: oh... :) well good. I'm sad no one else has made the effort but I'm happy I'm a step above. Xx

Sugar: trust me, so far? You're miles above, Baker Boy. Xx


H: I just wanted to let you know I'm very excited for our date. And I'm happy you said yes. Sorry if this is too early. Xx

Sugar: is it part of your baker agenda to be this sweet all the time? Gonna give me a cavity.

Sugar: but... I'm very happy you asked. It was a good text to wake up to. Don't worry. I'm very excited to see you today.

H: good. I'll see you in a bit. :) xx


Harry was, quite frankly, shitting himself. He hadn't been to the farmers market before, and while it didn't seem like a big deal from what he researched, he hadn't realized the entire downtown was such an ordeal this early in the morning on a Sunday. Tents lined the grass covered middle of their town center, dogs walking peacefully next to their owners on their leashes, soft tinkling music playing... it wasn't something he'd been to before. And it was something Sugar loved.

He had stressed for hours in his closet on finding a good outfit. It took multiple try ons, a few curses, irritated huffs and an embarrassing amount of Pinterest inspo searches before settling on black trousers and a sage green linen top with some greenery embroidered on the pocket. The sleeves rolled up and the first 3 buttons undone, his hair was swooped back and he wore the necklace she had gotten him. He rarely took it off, actually. The man had to park a bit further than anticipated, which did end up stressing him out a little bit. He hadn't realized how busy it would actually be down here. It had just been a worry that she wouldn't be able to find him and think he was late- a personal pet peeve of his- but he heard his name being called just as his phone had been slipped out of his pocket.

Fucks sake.

Harry swallowed thickly as he watched her approach. Eden hadn't dressed like this before, and it had his mouth a bit dry as he got a first real, good look at her.

Sugar, Sugar // HSWhere stories live. Discover now