A Day in the Life of a Grounded Superhero

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I woke up at 7:00 on the dot this morning. It was like my body was its own alarm clock. I went downstairs and got a large bowl of Cocoa Puffs, finished them in 10 minutes, and went into the bathroom.

I did the usual tooth-brushing hair-rinsing routine, and changed clothes.

I wore a white hoodie, undershirt, and black jeans, with black and red sneakers. My suit, of course, was underneath it all.

I packed up my notebooks, laptop, and sketchbook, and checked my watch.

"7:50... not bad," I thought to myself.

I heard mom's door open as she walked out.  She was fully dressed, and ready to go back to work.

"Look's like I beat you to the door today," I teased.

"Looks that way," she replied, hugging me.

"Be careful Y/n," she ordered.

"I will," I sighed.

When we got out the door, we walked down opposite ends of the hallway.  She took the elevator, and I took the stairs to the roof.

I took the gloves and mask from my pocket, removed my outer clothing and shoved it into my book bag.  I then put on the gloves and mask and strapped the bag tightly to my back.

There was only one thing left to do.

I leapt off the rooftop, screaming in exhilaration. Diving headfirst, I waited until the last moment to fire my web line. It stuck to a building and shot me higher into the air than I was before.

"This is never gonna get old!" I shouted to no one.

I swung all the way to Chinatown with no problems.  It was my favorite place to traverse because of all the billboards and signs I could parkour.  I actually thought I was gonna make it to school without any trouble, when I heard an elderly shopkeeper shout:

"Hey! That man just robbed me!"

I sighed and looked down to see a hooded figure with a duffel bag full of cash around his torso.  I shot a web at his ankle and tied it to the nearest lamppost, making him spring up as I dropped down.

He yelped and dropped the bag.  I caught it and held it overhead.

"Whose money is this?!" I yelled in an exaggerated deep voice.

"Um, mine," the shopkeeper replied sheepishly.

"Here ya go," I said, handing it to him.

He looked inside to see the money inside:

"Wow... thank you!"

"Just doing my civic duty sir," I smiled.

"Get out of here you criminal!" a woman shouted.

She was about the same age as him... probably his wife or something.


"We saw the video of you beating up that poor Fisk officer!"

"He was endangering civilians!" I defended.

"Sure. You're just playing hero to get on our good side, but you won't fool me! You probably kept half that money for yourself!"

"No pockets," I retorted, pointing to my legs.

"What's in the backpack?"

"Spider-gadgets," I lied.

"I don't believe you."

"Come on lady, if I wanted to take your money, what sense would it make for me to go out of my way to give it back to you?"

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