Chapter 16

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Eric's P.O.V

I sigh, throwing my weight on the couch extremely tired after touring my new home.

" That was eventful"
I said to myself,soon wondering when I'll get to use the pool

' You can't swim '

' No one asked you '

Our conversation was cut short as soon as I caught a glimpse of Stella descending down the stairs with a laptop in hand.

When she got to the last step she eyed me with her signature frown.

I wonder when I'll get to see her smile, I can tell it's going to be beautiful. And why doesn't she have wrinkles from all that frowning?

*Sigh*. I guess God took extra hours from all the ugly ladies out there to make her extra perfect

' You do realize that you're indirectly insulting all the ugly ladies out there right? '

' Oops '

I shift my eyes from her staring at my lap suddenly feeling shy.

' TSK '

' Don't judge me '

I followed her movement from under my lashes, watching as she sat on the couch after mine turing on her laptop before typing away.

It was only then I realized that she wasn't wearing suit which I've grown accustomed with. Instead she wore a black T-shirt and black joggers,looking more beautiful than ever.

Still in awe of her beauty, I didn't even realize I was staring at her like a creep untill I literally almost fell off the couch.

I blush, awkwardly sitting upright.

' Typical '

I stole a glance at her and sighed both in relief and disappointment as her attention was still on her laptop.

I so badly want to talk to her,she is my idol after all.

I rub my hands over my face as my cheeks were turing red.

Gosh,I still can't believe I'm married to her. Someone like me shouldn't even think of breathing in the room with someone like her. Much less marry.

But here I am. Married to her. Is this fate or pure luck?

My mind went back to yesterday's event,still trying to figure out what else she knows about me. Does she know about what I went through? what's she going to do if she does know about it?

' Isn't it a good thing if she knows. She could help you,you know '

' Pfft,yeah she will. Besides I don't want to involve her with my problems '

I sigh, I stayed up late last night in order to confirm what she said but Mrs.Ceo here didn't come back. I'm surprised she's even here, shouldn't she be at work.

I wonder if I should ask her now,she seems quite busy. I stole a glance at her to see her still typing on her laptop.

Maybe later.

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