💫🧚🏽‍♀️ Prologue pt. 8 🧚🏽‍♀️💫

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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Grace slowly woke up to find that she's back in the woods near the old cottage. She was still being carried by Ace, but the others were catching their breath.

"Is this... far enough?" Grim asked in between breaths. She started to move around so he'd put her down. Ace felt her movements and put her back on the ground. The others noticed as well. "Grace, are you okay?" Deuce said. "Yeah... but I'm more worried about you guys." She half lied. She was worried about them, but she wasn't completely fine. She noticed that her head wasn't hurting anymore, nor was in pain and started to ramble.

'What was that all about? Was it because of the low altitude in the mines? No, cause it started when we were about to come here. What's going on with me?'

"What in the world was that? No one said anything about it!" Ace said in frustration. "It didn't seem like any old ghost." Deuce comments. "Let's just give up and go home. I'd rather get expelled then fight that thing." Ace said already giving up.

"Wha!? Don't screw with me! I'd rather die than face expulsion! There's a magic crystal right in front of us and you want us to go home!" Grim and Grace were both surprised by Deuce's sudden change of tone. "Ha! You talk big for someone worse at magic than me. Go alone if you want. I'm done." Ace declared. "Ooh, that right? Then stay right there cowering like a spineless coward!" Deuce retorted. "Huuuuuuh?? Coward? Who exactly are you talking about?" Ace and Deuce we're about to fight each other.

"U-uuuhh... Deuce. Did you switch up your character?" Grim asks.

'I never thought Deuce would act like that. The more you know.' She gave a blank stare.

"Huh! A-ahem! My bad. I lost my composure a bit." Once he realizes his change of tone he went back to his original self.

"But..can magic really help? We saw what happened with Deuce." She commented as she stared at the ground.

"Like the headmaster said earlier, magic isn't all-powerful. If you can't imagine it then it won't materialize. Large-scale or complicated magic require a lot of training to use." Deuce explained.

"But that's why we have schools for magic. You have to practice a lot to use magic. Bluntly, you'll screw it up if you lose your cool. Stuff you're good at you go off instinct." Ace retorted back.

"At any rate, I'm going in there. I'll figure out how to beat that thing and come back with a magical crystal." Deuce said fully determined. "However. Judging by the chandelier incident, you're a complete idiot. You couldn't land a single hit earlier but now you'll "figure it out?" It's going to end the same the same." Ace said harshly. "Come again!? You think of..."

'Aand another fight...' Grace rubs her temples as a vein was about to pop out of her head. She was absolutely done with their useless fighting.

"Here they go again." Grim was also done with their arguing and just stares at them, bored by their antics.

"Will you two Idiots shut the fuck up!!" She let her anger break her composer, and shouts at the both of them. Sparks were flowing around her and rays of lightning were almost shot towards them, but luckily they dodged it, only damaging the ground. She realized what she did and immediately tried calming down by taking deep breaths and holding her necklace. Ace and Deuce stared at her, shocked by her sudden shouting... and almost getting fried.

"What was that for!?" Ace said still shocked.

"Waaah! Why are you shouting all of a sudden?" Grim was also shocked and backed away from her a bit. After Grace had calmed down she let's go of her necklace and glares and them.

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