💫🦋 Prologue pt. 3 🦋💫

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"Fugya!! What the hell is this!?" Grim demanded.

"The Law of the Queen of Hearts, No. 23; "Do not bring cat's into festival venues". You, a cat, trespassing is a heavy violation of the rule. I shall have you leave this place immediately." He explained.

"I'm not a cat!!! Unlike that cage I can burn this collar easily..." Grim uses his magical flames, only air comes out of his mouth. "H-huh? My flames aren't coming out!"

He crossed his arms, amused by Grim's resistance under his power. "Hmph! Until I release you from that collar, you can't use magic. You're no different to a cat."

"M-meowhat!? I'm not a pet!" The replied in an angry tone.

"Don't worry, I don't want a pet like you either. Well, I'm going to remove it when you're thrown out of the school." He said, completely uninterested.

'That's a bit harsh.' She thought.

"Wonderful, as usual. Riddle-san's unique magic that could seal any magic." Glasses boy walks up to him, complementing his abilities.

"I've got to have it... I mean. I got to have respect for it." He quietly muttered, but it was loud enough that Grace could hear. She backed away from him until a loud voice was ringing directly in her ears.

"Do something! It's your familiar, right!? Discipline it probably-" A large bolt of lightning got near Crowley cutting him off.

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT IT'S NOT MINE!!" Grace shouted in a cold angered tone. Her voice bolted just as loud as the lightning producing out from her.

Everyone in the room became tense and eerily silent, including a few of the dorm leaders.

"I-it's not yours?" Crowley stuttered.

"No! I have never seen anything like that cat in my life! Maybe if you took your head out of your ass you would've listened to me!!" She answered. Once she finally said what she wanted to say she took deep breaths and kept a firm grip on her necklace as she tried to keep her magic under control.

"D-did you? Cough Well then, let's throw him out of the academy. I will not turn him into stew. I'm gracious after all. Someone, please."

"Ginya-! Let me go! I... I absolutely, absolutely will! Become a great magician...!" The cat shouted as he was being dragged out, swearing to all until the doors slam completely shut.

"Hmm... I wonder why it wanted to get in so badly..." Grace muttered.

"There was a little trouble, but with this, the opening ceremony is clo-"

"Wait! Headmaster, she hasn't been assigned." The chipper leader brings up the subject while pointing directly at the girl.

"What does it matter? Night Rave College is an all boy's school, the fact that she's in here is a violation in itself." The red head glares directly at her. She looked at his gaze, confused. She didn't want to be here in the first place.

"Well... technically there isn't really a rule saying girls aren't allowed to attend. Let's just see what the Mirror says. Miss, please step in front of the mirror."


"We can continue this conversation After the ceremony has ended."

She breathed out a heavy grunt and walked up to the mirror, wanting to get this done as soon as possible,as everyone watched. Especially the leaders.

☆°•°•~ 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 ~•°•°☆ (Small Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now