Main Characters: How You first met!

Start from the beginning

You weren't sure if you wanted to see what would happen next.

"Someone help me please!"

Suddenly, you felt two arms scoop you out of mid air, and your side was on a boney surface.

Tensing up, you gripped onto your bag until your knuckles turned white, and slowly opened one of your eyes to see what grabbed you.

Instead of another creepy monster, you saw a young, pale, boy with brown eyes, black and green hair, holding onto you brideal style.

Carefully but tight enough so he didn't drop you with a serious expression on his face as he landed ontop of the plants head, possibly killing it in the process.

Opening both your eyes you saw him look down at you and smile, as he jumped through the air one more time, his hair moving slightly as he did. Then he landed on the grass a few feet away from the plant before he carefully set you down, feet first.

"You okay? I heard you all the way on the other side!"

"Oh- Yeah, I'm okay now. It's thanks to you though!"

Still holding onto your bag, you released your grip a little and smiled at him. A little taken back by your young savior, and a bit shy because you had to be saved at such an early stage.

Rubbing the back of his neck and smiling at you again the boy went on to introduce himself to you.

"Good to hear! I'm Gon by the way!"

"I'm (Y/N)! It's really nice to meet you gon!"

After talking for a little while more, you both realized you were the same age, and he found out why you nearly became plant food just a few minutes ago.

When he found out you were alone, and now without a weapon he offered for you to tag along with him and his other friend Killua, at least until the next exam.

You happily accepted his offer and when his friend finally caught up, he explained the situation to the boy who didn't look too pleased about it.

Regardless of his distant reaction you managed to tag along until you could find your weapon, and they took you to the next exam.



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