Chapter 27: A Talk, That Gives An Explanation

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Stephanie: I am what people call, a mother-angel, we've probably been mentioned in history books or legends from centuries ago. We take in children that have been abandoned, abused or unloved by their birth family's.

Aizawa: That's why you never tell us about your mother Midoriya.

Izuku only stayed quiet, Collin hugged him since he was still in his arms, while his siblings, Harry and Mirabel, hugged him from either sides with Cletus and Keenie.

Stephanie: Izuku's mother turned abusive ever since he was 5 after he was....

Stephanie looked to her son, in a way to ask for permission to tell his past, he was still in the hug from his siblings and cherubs, but he just nodded, which was enough for her.

Stephanie: Ever since he was announced quirkless.

Everyone in the room (Apart from All Might and The Three Kids) stood there surprised, even though Nezu knew somewhat off this, it still came as a bigger shock to him. Angel then walked over to Izuku and joined in on giving him a hug with all four of his arms. Amber only hugged her husband to try to not cry.

Stephanie: His father may live overseas but he's the same as his wife, he doesn't care about Izuku ever since the day he was announced quirkless. Izuku had to do everything around the house and he wasn't given much food for it, and I'm aware that a Bakugo Katsuki goes here as well, well, he obviously turned a blind eye to him as well.

  All Might: What do you mean?

Stephanie: How about Izuke introduces everyone to his classmates while I explain this, ok?

Everyone left the pro's, Stephanie and her parent's left the room, Angel went with the kids to make sure they were ok. When everyone was out, Stephanie flick her hands and chairs appeared in front of them.

Aizawa: So what has Bakugo done to Midoriya?

Stephanie: I can't go into full detail, but from what I've seen him do, he would use his quirk on the poor boy and give terrible second and third degree burns. Some were so bad, my magic wasn't enough to heal it, I had to take the poor boy to the hospital.

Nezu: I'll need to talk to Bakugo about this later.

All Might: What About the other two kids?

Valentino: Ya, you've never told me about them... sweetie you know I can help with these things sometimes.

Stephanie: I know daddy, ok well. Mirabel comes from a family that receives these special gifts when they turn 5 years old to help with their town in Colombia, but when it was her turn, she didn't receive one. Since that day, she was a total outcast in her family and the village.

Amber: It was hard on her so badly. My daughter was able to get her help a little in the community, but not a lot.

Aizawa: What about your other son? What did he go through?

Stephanie: Ok, well.... When he was only a baby his parent's dies, for a reason that is a bit personal, but that incident caused him to live with his aunt and uncle who are basically abusive towards him physically and emotionally.

Amber: Just like Izuku, Harry is not given proper food as well as clothing or any form of affection. His injuries caused by his aunt and uncle are really bad, most of the damage are caused by his uncle.

Teacher's: Are you serious?!?!?!

Valentino: Apparently, now how about we go find the kids and explain where your going.

Stephanie: Ya, almost forgot about that.

All Might: Where are you going?

Stephanie: Something that will most likely change Izuku's life forever. I'll be back later, oh by the way, what time does Izuku's class eat dinner, I know that from whispers they live in dorms so..

Aizawa: They eat around 5:30 or 6:00, why?

Stephanie: Ok, I may be done by then, so how about I cover dinner tonight?

Amber: You're so sweet honey.

Stephanie: I know I am, I'll see you tonight.

Nezu: Here, these are mine and Aizawa's phone numbers, call us if somethings happens or when you're done.

Stephanie: Got it.

Stephanie left the room without another room, and that was when Angel Dust showed up with Keenie.

Angel Dust: Hey uh, Mr. Aizawa, Val?

Valentino: What is it Angie?

Keenie: Mirabel, the boys and I are gonna go out into the city. Izuku wanted to give us a "sibling shopping trip day", cool buy you?

Amber: Ok, and give these envelopes to Mirabel and Harry so they can buy there own things, but dinner will be at the dorms.

Both: Got it!

Aizawa: Does her daughter spoil them?

Valentino: Ya, but not that much.

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