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Jisung tapped his finger on his drink, watching everyone in his apartment trash things from his kitchen counter. At the moment, Jisung didn't mind but he knew it would be a pain to clean up hungover in the morning.


Jisung raised his eyebrows and turned towards the familiar voice. An extremely drunk Haechan tripped over his own foot before joining Jisung, sitting on the stool beside him.

"How many drinks did you have?" Jisung looked the man up and down, Haechan was in a completely wasted state.

Haechan paused, probably trying to remember so he could answer the question. Suddenly waving his hand in front of his face when having little to no recollection, "Doesn't matter.. What does matter though is that I was talking with Jaemin and we decided to try something out."

"That is?"

"We did this spell thing for fun from a book Jeno gave to Jaemin as some sort of joke present thing I don't know.." Haechan slurred his words, attempting to remember how to even form them to begin with, "And it was something about a demon, anyways yeah..."

Jisung scoffed, "Right."

Jisung didn't believe Haechan. He was drunk. Like, really drunk. Besides as if a stupid little spell from Jaemin out of all people would actually work.

"Right indeed, just watch out tomorrow it might bite. Worst of all, it might even pop out of hell butt ass booty naked." Haechan shivered at the thought of it.

"Haechan.. Are you hallucinating or something? Should I take you to the hospital? I think you've drank too much."

Haechan noticed the drink Jisung was neglecting and looked back at the latter.

"Nah, not this time." Haechan snatched the drink off Jisung's hands and downed it in two gulps.

Jisung groaned and turned back at the people currently throwing cuisines on his floor, "I'll make sure to tell everyone to not let you drink anymore."

"Yeah yeah, as if they'd listen." Haechan got up from the seat and ran into the direction of Jaemin.

Jisung huffed and got up soon after, leaving the glass in his sink and walked towards the group of people.

"Everyone better be out by four remember!" He tried to catch the attention of everyone.

Jisung then made his way towards his bedroom which thankfully has not been discovered by the drunk freaks. Jisung sighed and lunged towards his bed, his heavy eyes automatically closing once making contact with the sheets. Jisung hoped everyone had heard him before and did actually leave at four since he couldn't handle staying up any longer.

The sounds of people laughing and shouting was strangely soothing for Jisung, helping him rest. It was relaxing. Once again reminding himself of the mess he will have to clean up before going blank. Jisung eventually drifted into a deep sleep.

sin. - chenjiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن