"Probably." I sigh, staying silent for a moment before continuing. "Do you have your walkie on you?" I ask hopefully.

"No, and even if I did, it wouldn't be helpful because nobody took their walkies with them today."

"Shit, okay- well... let's go find them then." I trail off and Dustin follows me.

. . .

"For gods sake, where are they?" I scan my surroundings for what seems like the 300th time.

I swear I've just been here.

"Dustin do you see them yet?" I turn around in search for the curly haired boy, but he's nowhere to be found. I shift in my place, my head turning to different directions in hopes that I'll see him around the corner or something.

I flinch when I hear a sudden roaring sound from behind me, instantly following up with a high pitched scream. I turn around and roll my eyes when Dustin, El, Max, Lucas and Will are standing there.

"Very funny." I flatly tell Max, who turns to Lucas with a scowl. "Why did you scream?? We were scaring Mike, remember?"

"My bad... I was staring into space and forgot the plan then um- you screamed so I got scared and I... screamed... too..." He defends, speaking slower as Max shushes him purely by using her facial expressions. "Sorry." He looks down.

"Anyway, did you assholes go on all the rides without me?" I cross my arms, but El shakes her head.

"Nah- we just got some food from different stalls. You know they sell slushies somewhere??"

"Yep... I know. Literally it's the middle of winter, makes no sense..." I shrug.

"Yeah... oh! And Dustin and Will's English teacher is working there right now with one of his friends!" She informs me, catching me off guard entirely.

"Wai- what?! Mr Harrington??" I shift my gaze from Dustin to Will and vice versa, and they nod.

I swear he works in at least one place in every town in Indiana.

"Yeah..." Will continues, taking me by surprise. We haven't spoken that much lately and I'm surprised he decided to even utter a word to me.

At least now I know things are good between us.

"We didn't say hi though, to save ourselves from the embarrassment." Will adds and I nod.

"Makes sense." I grin before clapping my hand against the other. "Well- how about those rides??"

. . .

I practically skip my way out of the ride and make my way to Will, wanting to interact with him more. "Hey, that was awesome, wasn't it?!" I chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess." He offers me a small smile, causing me to cock a brow.

"Will, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He starts to walk ahead of me and I sigh, trying to catch up.

What did I do this time?


"Hey, guys!" I call the rest of the party, and they give me their attention. "Me and Will are getting slushies, we'll find you somewhere later." I say before grabbing Will's arm and pulling him to a different direction.

"What did you do that for??" He asks.

"I'm gonna buy you a slushy and then we're gonna talk." I inform him. Realising how commanding that sounds, I soften my eyebrows a little. "Is that okay?"

He looks at me for a few seconds before cracking a small smile. "Isn't it too cold for slushies?"

"It's never too cold for slushies." I answer, and we share a small laugh.

God his laugh...

No matter how timid he sounds when laughing, Will always finds ways to make it sound so full of life.

I love that about him.

I approach the stall with a small exhale before gaining the attention from a short-haired lady.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." She simply answers.


I open my mouth to order, but that's when Mr Harrington takes note of us, and I can tell how awkward he finds this too.

"Um... hi boys. What can I get for you?"

"Erm... can I get a blue raspberry slushy and..." I turn to Will so that he can complete the sentence, not knowing what he wants. "A cherry slushy." Will finishes.

"Okay, coming right up."

Steve Harrington

I roll my eyes at Robin when she snorts at my awkwardness, filling a cup with a blue raspberry slushy and the other with cherry flavour.

"That will be $6." I tell the boys. Mike hands me a 5 dollar note and a loose dollar.

"Thanks." He tells me before wandering off with Will.

"$40 says that they're gay and in love with each other." Robin says blankly, leaning against the counter. I furrow my brows and shift my gaze towards her, utterly aghast by what she says sometimes.

"What... there's no way I'm betting on my students."

"Oh c'mon... can't you see it?" She asks, I turn back to the boys who are walking together in the distance.

"They're literally just walking..." I sigh.

"Okay... well if you end up winning the bet, then you get the money. Simple."

Now that I think about it...

"Um... make that $30?"

To Be Continued...

a.n. goofy ahh I did this instead of homework but i don't regret it. I have a french test tmrw and I'm probably gonna panic the period prior but whatever it's fine 😍😍

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat