Prince Sivlorstein 1 🪞

Start from the beginning

But he hasn't slept. He paced back and forth in front of the fireplace until the fire died out. A servant tried to put another log onto the fireplace when Prince Sivlorstein realized something.

He should go to sleep.

〜 〜

The next morning, he was off to a place he plan to go. He ride upon his black horse and passed the guards at the palace entrance. They bowed at him. A courtesy that will soon be taken away from him.

"No, I shall not be brought to the lowest. I was born as a prince and it's quite more rightful if I shall die as something higher in rank. "he declared in his thoughts.


The black horse stop at a golden-grey mansion. A tree blossoms near its silver gate.

"Silver. Might've been the right destiny for me." he said as he look at the gate.

A snout man with a mustache swung open the gate for him.
"What may we of service to you, your highness?" asked the man.

"Are you perhaps the butler of the nobleman Mr. Westichultre? I'm here to see him and his daughter." ask Prince Sivlorstein with an ardour of confidence.

"I am only a mere servant of the family.
And I'm afraid the nobleman isn't here yet. He went on a trip to visit a deary fellow. But his daughter Madam Beatrice is in the garden, reading." the man stated.

"Oh, what an unfortunate turn that he's not here. But may I please meet the lovely lady? I would like to speak a word." Prince Sivlorstein requested.

"Do come in, your highness. I shall go and tell the Lady." says the servant man.

Another servant arrived and fetch the horse for the young prince while Prince Sivlorstein waits near the front gate.
A minute passed by when the servant man arrived back from what it's bid.

"Madam Beatrice has approved to talk to you in the garden. Please come this way, Sire." the servant man said as he lead the way for the prince.

They arrived at a garden nook decorated with golden flowers. The nook was a circular shape, has three heaven steps in its front to walk upon, little terrace benches gatekeep the nook's surrounding side.
A young lady was sitting idly with her back upon them. She has a bright strawberry blonde hair tied up in a tidy way, embedded in her hair are little trinkets of silver and golden roses.

"The Prince Sivlorstein is here, Madam."introduced the servant man.

"Leave us, Pelios. Thank you." ordered the lady.

Pelios, the servant man, resigned away from them both. The lady turned herself around and meet the young prince's gaze. Her face, though beautiful, embody quite a few years older than the young prince.
Prince Sivlorstein look up at her beautiful face, quite stricken with her lovely tantalizing blue eyes.

"Thank you for your visit. What may I be of service to you, youngest Prince?" questioned the lady Beatrice as she bows at the young prince.

Prince Sivlorstein kneel before her and said, "Your beauty is a wonder, dear Miss. When I saw you at the ball a year ago, I couldn't help myself and wonder for your presence from time to time. And so with my courage that had just came to me this year, I am here at your presence asking if I may be allowed to court her ladyship. "

"Quite a nice speech. " complimented Prince Sivlorstein to himself in his mind.

"When you saw me a year ago at that ball, you might not notice my presence with another gentleman. " stated Lady Beatrice.

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