The maid, in the face of her master's five-second-changing-moods, was terrified. She fled when she had the chance, lamenting that such a good-looking man had such an eccentric personality! But who was she to infer anything about her master...

Just a little while later, the entire palace was roaring. Servants neglected their jobs to huddle in corners and whisper among themselves. The lords and court ministers residing in the palace had gotten their fair share of news, but even the court ministers resting at home had gotten wind of the news. Inevitably, if it had reached them, it wouldn't be hard to spread it to the citizens around them. However, this might even incite mass panic and thus, even without the king present, the ministers called for a meeting.

Inside the throne room, the head eunuch stood on the landing, gazing anxiously out over the sea of arguing ministers. Without the presence of a high standing authority, the whole lot of them were brazen with their words.

"We must send more people to look for his majesty!"

"Are you stupid," another screamed back. "Do you want to leave the capital undefended?!"

"How dare you! He is the son of heaven!! His life is more important than yours!"

"You want to leave the citizens unguarded?!"

"Hmmp," he sneered, "I've heard that the citizens in your district pay heavy taxes."


"The bloodline can't end here!"

"You fool, are you trying to invite calamity?!"

"Pei*! They're just simple words."

(*Pei - Spitting sound)

And thus, the argument somehow turned to throwing insults. The aggrieved ministers finally had a chance to vent. While half the court were yapping with loose and immature tongues, a select few watched with disgusted eyes, cunning in their gaze.

Abruptly, the great doors smashed open, revealing an imposing figure dressed in blue. His military posture and crude-cut face made for an imposing aura.

"Calm down," A commanding voice rang out. The rowdy group of ministers turned their heads, kneeling to the ground and crying out a greeting.

"We pay our respects to the eldest prince." Jiang Baiyi strode up the middle aisle with confidence. He didn't sit on the dragon throne but stared at it for a moment, unknown emotions in his eyes. Jiang Baiyi turned abruptly, smiling falsely at the crowd before him.

"You may rise." The group of old men rose simultaneously, their silence a huge contrast from the verbal storm they'd flung at each other just moments before. "The hunting party is currently using all means to search for the king."

"Your highness..." One minister said tentatively. "But if the news has reached us here, doesn't it mean that the king has been missing for some days?" The group grew rowdy, whispering amongst each other. The minister bowed. "This servant inquires about the means employed and if we need to do anything."

Jiang Baiyi glanced at him indifferently. He'd only just opened his mouth to retort coldly when his subordinate burst into the throne room, a panicked look in his eyes. He rushed up the middle aisle, as if not seeing the row of ministers to either side of him. "Your highness! Bad news! The hunt-"

"Li An!" Li An looked around as if surprised, but the ministers had already heard his words. Head down, he rushed up to the dais where Jiang Baiyi was standing. He leaned over, whispering in the eldest prince's ear. The crowd of anxious ministers saw the minute change of the eldest prince's expression. Numerous thoughts flew throughout their heads, concocting the most bizarre situations. From what the servant had blurted out just now, it must be news about the king!

[BL] Eternal Spring ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ