Morpheus stuck on his helm, his eyes glowing a bright red as he spoke calmly and lowly. "The Ruby isn't here."

"So you're saying we've been duped and tricked." Dahlia huffed tiredly,

"Indeed." Morpheus reached for his pouch, grabbing a handful of sand,

"I'm assuming you know where the real one is." Dahlia stated reaching for Morpheus' hand which he warmly gave.

"Correct, Ethel Cripps son, John possesses it. He resides in a diner outside London." Morpheus tossed up his handful of golden sand, once again they were whirled away.

Morpheus stood a few metres from the outside of a rustic diner. "I will go inside, you wait here. He knows about you and who you are, give me ten minutes." Before Morpheus could protest she was running away.

Morpheus grunted, unable to move. Bewitched by his better judgement and her spitfire words.

"Tell me my future." An old man she had suspected to be John sat at table at the far end of the diner. A lady talking to him as they watched the television hanging up.

The news showing a tragic accident from earlier in the day.

"You come from dust and you leave back to dust." Dahlia sat a chair away listening to their conversation.

John looked immediately at her, and sound the lady whom he was talking to walked away. And the only thing now that stood between the two was a seat and an empty table.

"Anything to get you?" The waitress asked.
"Just tea, herbal if you got it otherwise water." Dahlia hummed watching John look at her with curiosity.

"Right away." The waitress wrote down the exactness of her order and smiled and waltz behind the counter.

"Bit nippy tonight isn't it?" Said John Dee who looked at Dahlia was a small smile, and one would suspect such to be criminally minded. No, to a mere passerby John seemed like an old man, with a endearing smile and a soft voice.

"Your tea, Miss." Spoke the waitress,
"Thank you." Dahlia kindly said, as she sipped at the warm liquid, it soothed her throat.

"So where are you from?" John asked,
"No, John that's not why we are here." Dahlia placed down her tea,
"We?" John inquired curious and confusion on his face. "Do we know one another?"

"No we do not, but you John Dee, son of Ethel Cripps have taken something to which belongs to someone else, someone who wants it back." Dahlia spat reverently,

John Dee looked down at his hands, the ruby in his pocket heating up. As it's owner was now in the diner awaiting its comfort, it's rightful place.

"There is no future for you John Dee, not in this life or the next." Dahlia hummed,
"Look again." John asked, no, it was more of a demand.

"You have stolen, taken away the power of Dreams and for that you've forsaken the gift of the gods, tell me John Dee did your mother teach you those manners?" Dahlia seethed getting out of her seat,
"You will crush the Dream Lords life, your hands."

This statement seemed to please John Dee, so much so that a small smirk formed on his lips.

Morpheus now came into sight surely it had be longer than instructed but nevertheless he showed,
"You're The Sandman." John exclaimed, "I'm John."

"We know who you are." Morpheus proclaimed his eyes on moving to Dahlia who now sat opposite the captor of the jewel.

"I'm saving the world from lies." John stated,
"The ruby wasn't made for that." Morpheus pointed out taking a seat next to Dahlia.
"My mother was right, she said you'd be coming for it." John admitted,

"Wise woman, so to speak. She did inherently steal, and so does her son." Dahlia seethed,

"Their lying to themselves." John stated looking directly at the waitress and another who were talking, Dahlia caught a few highlight words from lip reading but was clueless.

"They're not lying, they are dreams." Morpheus protested, "Kate dreams of running away where no one will find her." The group then looked at another, a male who was nearby sitting in quietly to himself. "Garry dreams, proving his father wrong about him. Bette dreams of creating something that matters to people, their dreams inspire them."

"Their dreams keep them alive, and for that you are robbing them." Dahlia chimes in, her voice now monotone, softer than before.

"The ruby is hurting you, John. It's power is too much within." Morpheus informed,

"It stole more when I tried to use it." John exclaimed, " then I shall use it again Dream lord for I shall take your powers and become King of Dreams."

"Then prehaps if you try to steal a dream lords powers, we shall consort in my own realm." Everyone knowingly feel asleep, and so it begun.

The Thief and The King.

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