Chapter II: Delivery

Start from the beginning

As Ryan looks beyond the trucks blocking his way he turns on heat sensors built into his helmet. As he scans the area his eyes see no signs of anyone hiding leaving him more confused. Until he notices movement from a distance.

To Ryan's surprise, a figure reveals himself under a heat signature hiding cloak and pulls out a large weapon. Ryan now surprised says, "Oh Sh#t!? It's a rocket launcher!!"

Before Ryan could act correctly and get away from the rocket the trucks blocking the path get blown to pieces knocking Ryan yards away from the workers and their cargo.

As Ryan is knocked down more figures reveal themselves under heat signature hiding cloaks. The workers instantly defend themselves by shooting at the attacking pirates.

Ryan sees the pirates approaching the cargo in clusters of groups. He tries to get up as quickly as he can.

Still wobbly from the earlier surprise attack, it's hard for him to stand straight. As Ryan gets back on his feet. He sees the pirate who shot the rocket from the same distance, but this time fully revealed. Ryan's eyes widen as if he recognizes this pirate. The pirate smirks and then shoots off another rocket toward Ryan.

Ryan grimaces as he's still not fully recovered from the attack earlier. He tries to move but deep down inside he knows it won't be quick enough to dodge all of the attack so Ryan braces for impact. Until out of nowhere Supremeo appears. Supremeo catches the rocket and flings it into the sky as if it were nothing. The rocket blows up and leaves the pirate who shot it dumbfounded.

Supremeo lands next to Ryan and says, "You okay buddy?" Ryan says, "Yeah I just needed more than 30 seconds to recover." Supremeo tells Ryan, "I'll go after Mr. Rocket launcher."

Before Supremeo can head his way Ryan grabs him by the shoulder and tells him, "Wait! Leave him for me! You'd be better helping protect the cargo." Supremeo nods and makes his way toward the cargo trucks while Ryan goes toward the pirate who shot the rocket launcher at him.

~Near the cargo truck~

Fearful of their lives the workers shoot the pirates 1 by 1. Some pirates are hit while the more skillful ones manage to block the lasers from the worker's guns with shields that they are carrying. One worker screams, "There's too much! How many more cartridges of ammo do we have left?" Another replies, "We only have 10 left!" A worker replies, "Sh#t! Let's make every shot count then!"

While the workers reload their rifles they hear gunshots from the outside of the cargo trucks. The gunshots are followed by screams of pain from the pirates. One worker tells his co-worker, "Wait...Hold on. Something's outside."

The workers peer outside a window of the truck and see Supremeo from behind picking off the pirate attackers one by one. A worker says, "That's Sylvia's droid!" Another worker asks, "What's its name? Superio, Supremeeoh?"

Supremeo then communicates with the workers from the truck's comms and tells them, "Names Supremeo, don't worry guys. I'll be done here shortly."

The workers peer outside the window again and one mentions, "Damn droids. I'd rather finish this fight myself than accept help from a droid." A worker beside him then replies in an angry tone, "Oh hush! Enough of that hateful bullcrap! We were literally down to our last handful of ammo. The droids did set us back during the war, they were under human command! Get that through your thick skull or grab the last stack of ammo cartridges and get outside and prove you don't need Supremeo's help!" As she says her piece the worker just stares at her and then continues to watch Supremeo fight. She says to finish her statement, "Yea...That's what I thought."

Back to Ryan's whereabouts

Ryan runs up a hill. As he makes his way toward the shooter he encounters many jagged obstacles making him trip and lose his footing.

SUPREMEO Vol. II: War HawkWhere stories live. Discover now