un échange mortel sur middlesex street

Start from the beginning

"What about the rest of you?"

"Once she invites you in, make sure to follow after her, so she can leave the door open. After, Miles and I will sneak in, hitting her with a stunning spell to get what we need."

"Are you sure this will work?"

Tom thought for a moment. "If she shuts the door, make sure you talk loud enough that she won't hear the door open."

"And if a house elf answers?"

"You need to stop questioning me. Can you handle this or not?"

"I didn't want to be a part of this in the first place!" she whisper-shouted.

Tom gritted his teeth, glaring daggers at Juliette. He reached over her head and knocked on the door, quickly turning around and heading back down towards the cobblestone. Eden and Miles followed, leaving Juliette alone.

"Baise ma vie," she cursed under her breath.

The door opened after, and as suspected, a house elf answered.

"Hello, miss." The house elf smiled.

"Is Ms. Smith home?"

"Oh, yes, Ms. Smith is home. Hokey will take you to her. She is in the sitting room."

Juliette nodded, letting the door shut behind her out of spite.

"Hokey?" A shrill voice called. "Who's at the door?"

"Ms. Smith? It's Juliette Alderidge."

"Borgin's niece?"

"That would be me," she smiled, coming upon the sitting room to find Hepzibah reading a newspaper. Her heart wrenched at the thought of what she was about to do to the woman.

"Isn't this a lovely surprise? How have you been my dear? You've grown!"

Juliette felt her cheeks heat up. "I'm well, I've graduated now."

"Wow." Hepzibah shook her head. "Time is of the essence, is it not?"

"Most certainly."

"What brings you here, love?"

Thinking quickly, she prepared her lies. "Matthew asked about you. Wondered if you had anything valuable you wanted to get rid of."

"Now that you mention it..." she tutted, standing up. Juliette followed, quickly glancing towards the front door. She could just vaguely make out the shadows on the front steps, and she knew that Tom was most likely trying to open the door.

"Ms. Smith, while you look, can I have a glass of water?"

"What? Oh- yes dear, that's fine. Kitchen's that way." She pointed towards the foyer, on the other side of the front door. She turned back around and headed back in the direction she was going, trusting Juliette enough.

She crossed the foyer quickly, just in time for the door to open, Miles stepping in.

"Where's Hepzibah?" He spoke at the same time Juliette asked where Tom was.

"You first." He forced.

"That way," she pointed. "What are you going to do?"

"Stunning spell, or the Imperius curse."

"No Dark Magic?" She begged.

"Not yet, love. Let's see how she cooperates first."

She nodded, sighing with relief. "Good luck, Miles."

"Not my first time," he shrugged, practically strutting out the door.

She braced herself for what was about to come. She followed close behind Mles, her heart beating faster with every step.

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