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The next day, the Prince invited us all to the palace.

I didn’t know why we were invited, but it was also true that I was excited about the rare opportunity of visiting the royal palace.

The royal palace we visited again welcomed us armed with extreme splendor. It was so intimidating that it could not be compared with what I had seen for a while at nighttime during the ball.

Each room with marble and golden decorations showed the splendor and absolute power of the monarchy. The beauty indescribable in words made my mouth gape at every sight that caught my eye.

I had never been able to visit Europe because I was busy with life, but I thought that I could relieve my regret like this.

But even the most beautiful things can only be enjoyed in small amounts. As I continued to observe, I became suffocated by the atmosphere of being overwhelmed.

Coming out for a while to get some fresh air, I was tongue-tied at the garden, which was much larger than I had seen through the window.

A maze garden that I had only seen through photos was right in front of me. It was made up of trees much taller than my height, so even though it was only a tree, I felt tremendous intimidation.

I was curious to explore the inside of the maze, but I did not have the courage to take a step in the fear that once I entered, I would never be able to get out.

You shouldn't spend money on this, you should look back on the hard lives of the serfs.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the courage or the guts to speak bitterly against the royal family. I didn't want to die by having my head cut off by the guillotine.

The moment I fidgeted with my neck with a shudder, a human figure suddenly appeared through the trees.


I was terrified to the point that my shoulders shook because I was imagining something that wasn't pleasant.

I was relieved by checking his face, but without realizing it, the strength in my legs that had been stepping backwards was released. I lost my focus and staggered as I stepped on my skirt.


A strong hand reached out and grabbed my body that was staggering in surprise.

As Drake’s arms tightly wrapped around my waist, his face came close.

“It seems that you have a hobby of disappearing without a word.”

His heart was pounding, as if he had come running. His face, slightly stiff, was filled with anxiety.

“I didn’t know you were here so I was looking for you for a long time.”

I asked him nervously, wondering if something had happened.

“Did something bad happen?”

“I was looking for you just in case.”

As he looked into my eyes and spit out his words, I tightened my lips and quietly swallowed my breath.

Uh. What’s with this guy?

Even the cheesy words which passed through the man’s mouth shook my heart strangely.

The Prince seemed to be like that too. Is everyone in this place like this?

Everyone seems to fall in love easily here.

“I just came out to get some air.”

I straightened my body up and looked as if it was nothing. He tilted his head and asked if he didn't like my attitude.

Waking up as Cinderella's StepsisterWhere stories live. Discover now