"Stay the fuck still freak!" Robert whisper-yelled

Mommy pulled my penis out of my boxers and started stroking me,I silently startled to cry while she kept up her sinful action but then a hand was removed from my mouth and was replaced with a small veiny girth that was assumed to be Robert.

As time went on they took turns in having me, violating me in areas that should have been kept pure at the tender age of 4 years old.

Mommy threatened me not to say anything to daddy and because I didnt want daddy to get hurt I agreed, but I didn't stop the endeavours from happening.

From that day on every year on my birthday she makes it her mission to rob me of any innonce that I had left.


I started to shake feeling the memories of that night overtake me. I didn't see much of Robert after that, which I am more than greatful for.

"I'm scared that mommy will touch me again..." I finished, when I looked into my father's eyes I saw nothing but pure rage. I wasn't sure what was going through my dad's head.

"Daddy am I in trouble?"

"No baby, I'm glad you told me but I wish you told me sooner." She pulled me into a tight hug and I continued to cry on her shoulder feeling relieved that I can finally get this burden off my shoulders.

Onika's POV

Beyoncé has been gone for a minute but she looked like was panicking about something. I didn't want to seem like was breathing down her neck so I let her have some space but something's telling me to go and see what the problem is and that's exactly what my ass did.

I looked for Bey all over but could mind find her so I got really scared now and was ready to go back downstairs to tell Lauren and Kelly until I saw the ladder leading up to the attic lowered and a few hushed cries coming from above.

Being the nosy Bitch that I am I went to see who was up there.

"Mommy s-she..." Wait is that Sid... what was the problem and why did it sound like she was crying?

I started to listen to what she was going to say.

I know I'm wrong for this but I've never heard someone sound so broken let alone a 6 year old child. I heard her take a deep breath began talking again.

When she was done my mouth fell agape at what I just heard. Her mother and her boyfriend did that to her. I couldn't help but be drawn to the name Robert. It was my dad's name but he left me and my mother when I was little.

I can't believe this is whats been going on in this house, and I have a strong feeling that there's more to the story, because I always notice how jumpy Bey and Sid are it's like they are constantly living in fear of something but I never knew what it was but now I might have a good idea I just don't know who the kids mother is because when I find out all he'll will break loose.

Breaking my train of thought I saw Beyoncé coming down the ladder with a sleeping Sid in her arms.

"How's She?"

"Can you tell everyone to leave please?" She said quietly while holding a sleeping Sidney.

I just nodded while making my way downstairs to shut everything down. This really wasn't what I was expecting today...

Beyoncé's POV

I just got Sid into bed and I couldn't help but taken in her face. I can't believe I've never notice how that glow she had seemed to have disappeared

I am a terrible father.

I never had the balls to stand up to my  mother, or Robert or Solange.

But that shit stops today.

I get up to leave and quietly close the door. I stormed downstairs to get my keys and head down to my 'mother's' work place. I'm pretty sure I broke several laws with the amount of speeding I was doing, but at this moment I really don't care because she can do whatever she wants to me but Do. NOT. Touch. My. Child.

After about 10 mins I arrive at a tall building. I ignore the receptionists calls and head to her office from being here before already knowing where it is.

I burst through the door and immediately pounce at my 'mother' grabbing her by the neck and slamming her against the desk.

"BITCH YOU REALLY THOIGHT I WOULDNT FIND OUT HUH??!!" I screamed in her face and all I saw was pure fear and terror in her eyes.

"I-I don't k-know...what y-your t-talking about..."


"SHE TOLD ME IT WAS YOU AND THAT BITCH ASS NIGGA ROBERT." At this point I was fully choking her right  now and I can't stop. All the pain and sadness that she put me through flashed before in that moment I wanted to kill her if I continued on the path that I was on I just might.

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled off of Tina's body to see her gasping for Air. I felt myself being thrown to the floor with a thud and I quickly turn around to see who the culprit was.



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