Your Presence

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It is the era after Sasuke leaves konoha for his atonement journey. Naruto was told to study hard for becoming a jounin while sakura was already one. Since Naruto and iruka were too busy in studies, they never really visited the office or main city, Naruto stopped meeting sakura. On the other hand, sakura was seen spending half of her day at the hokage's office along with shikamaru.

"Sensei! Good morning!"

"Good morning sakura and shikamaru! We got a lot of work today for the upcoming kage summit so grab those files and start working."

"Sure Sensei, i would love to take up on the security duty and defense."

"That's great shikamaru, i was about to give that task to you."
shikamaru leaves
"So Sakura, you're with me on the event duty"

"Hai sensei!" Sakura exclaimed as she was too happy.

Hours passed

"Finally the work is done" sakura jumped as it was super tiring.
"Tsunade sama must be enjoying her soju after giving me this hokage duty ughhhh" kakashi sighed.

"Aww kakashi sensei:( we all are trying our best to ease your work pressure." Sakura touches his hand and says.

Kakashi suddenly pulls his hand off and turns his chair away towards the village. Sakura felt awkward in that moment but she apologized.
"Sorry sensei i was just-"

"It's okay sakura, you just reminded me of someone from my past"

Sakura asks quietly and with all emotion
"Was that rin? Was that her you felt right now?"

Kakashi was silent

"Sensei I'm asking you if you still like her. I want to help you. This just means you are hiding your feelings and don't wanna move on"
Sakura grabs the chair and sees the man crying rivers while his one hand is on his face trying to wipe them.
Even in thick muscles and a hard body, kakashi was still soft by his heart. He always hid his feelings but when it's sakura he didn't care about what she thought.
"Sakura i loved them, i loved them the most and your hand reminded me of rin. I wish I could meet them both again once", sakura couldn't hear his cracked voice but she controlled.
"Sensei? I never knew you still held the pain in you? Were you suffering even after the war? I feel so sad for you sensei! I apologise for making you feel like this"

"Oh no sakura it's okay, im fine it's just i lov-"
Sakura interrupts "you loved them? Yes iknow yes i know"
she hugs him tightly and pats his head and repeats

"i know i know and everything is fine sensei".

They hug each other for 5 long minutes and after sakura pulls herself away while her hands on his chest and says " hey hey! Let's cheer up now will ya? Give me the work for some time, i will manage, you go to home and retire to the bed"

Sakura turns around and suddenly kakashi grabs sakura's hand and pulls her towards him and kisses her so tight.

"Sensei- i-"
The kiss

They both slowly sank into the kiss and didn't realise anything.
And quickly sakura pulled herself away.
Kakashi said"Sakura I'm so sorry i am so sorry
Sakura walked out of the office and ran away.

"Ughhhh what did i do? I just ruined my safe place! How can I face her after all this? She was just trying to help me and i- i-
I should kill myself"

knock knock

Kakashi wiped his tears and cleared his throat. "Come in!"

It was shikamaru.
"Sensei i just saw sakura running towards the exit, is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is okay, she was called from hospital to tend to a patient, so she left"

" Oh okay i will get back to my work then"

"Listen shikamaru? I have done my work, manage the rest, i will go to home for some rest."

"Sensei you sure you are fine? You don't look like it"

kakashi said loudly.
Im sorry shikamaru i was loud, i just have an headache, i will leave"

Shikamaru just stands there and watches the grown man leave the office.

You're my safe place!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt