New Year...New Beginning?!?

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**Thank you SO much for enjoying this story with me! Hope everyone has a good Monday! Please read and review!!!**

Caroline went back to work Monday morning, turned in her notice and began to prepare for her move to Nashville. Each night she picked up boxes and totes and packed up her stuff. She would stay up till 11 o'clock at night, going through stuff and packing and organizing and job hunting.

It was finally Caroline's final day of work. They threw her a going-away potluck and a few of her best friends and her sisters were taking her out that night for a last Georgia girl's night out. She couldn't wait. Caroline got back to her very empty apartment, the house was full of boxes and furniture all gathered, just waiting to be loaded into the truck in the morning.

She got changed into a pair of blue jeans and a very cute halter top. She grabbed her purse and pulled on a pair of high-heeled boots. Caroline's sisters were taking her out for dinner first, then they were meeting up with her friends for clubbing. Caroline heard the honk and she ran out to the waiting car.

At dinner, they had a wonderful time of talking about how things were going for Luke and what Nashville was like. Her sisters were both wonderfully supportive of her decision and knew that Luke was a great guy who would take good care of her.

At the club, there was a group of rowdy girls and they wasted NO time getting their drink on! Shot after shot, the liquor flowed freely. There was lots of hugs, a few tears, lots of shrieks and giggles.

Caroline was VERY buzzed and had climbed up on top of a speaker. She was busy rockin' out to a song. The girls were cheerin' her on and had quite the gathering around her cheering.

Caroline's sister Elizabeth was at the bar when she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She turned and saw Luke standing there. "LUKE!! What are you doing here? It's Girls' Night! Not Boy-Girl night!" She exclaimed and hugged him tight.

"Hey Liz, where's Caroline?"

"I can't tell you! It's girls' night!" Elizabeth giggled.

"C'mon Liz, I've gotta talk to her." Luke practically begged.

"She's up there silly!" She pointed and burst into laughter.

Luke turned and saw Caroline up on the speaker shaking her ass and pretending to sing. He started laughing and made his way over to her.

"Hey Baby!! You're looking awfully sexy up there!" Luke called out to her.

She stopped and snapped to attention and started looking, "Luke?!?"

He waved and smiled so she'd see him.

Caroline smiled big and jumped down and held him, "What are you DOING here?

"I need to talk to you, can we go outside for a minute?"

Caroline's girlfriends were shrieking and teasing that he couldn't have her and that Caroline was theirs till bar close.

"Ladies, I promise you, y'all can have her back as soon as I'm done." Luke said with a smile. He loved seeing Caroline having fun, and some of her friends he remembered from Georgia Southern.

He took her hand and walked her outside to the parking lot over by his truck. Caroline looked at him confused, "Luke, I'll be in Nashville in less than 12 hours. What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"I talked to your mama and she told me what you were up to, there's only a couple clubs here in town, you aren't that hard to find." He said with a laugh as he opened the passenger door and handed her an envelope.

"What's this?" She asked confused.

"I'm not trying to ruin your night out, but I had to talk to you. When you get to town, we're getting you a cell phone. I got signed today."

"Signed?" Caroline repeated, trying to get her alcohol-buzzed brain to focus on the words on the papers she was holding, then she looked up with big-eyes, "Oh MY GOD! YOU GOT SIGNED TODAY!"

"Baby, I got a record deal!" Luke exclaimed as she shrieked and the two embraced and Luke spun her around in circles.

"Oh Luke!! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations honey!" She said in-between kissing him.

He kissed her back happily, with tears in his eyes, "This is actually happening! We're gonna do this."

Caroline's eyes teared up, "Honey, have you told your family yet?"

"Yeah, I stopped there first because I didn't want to interrupt your night, but damn I had to tell you. I am just in shock! I walked out of there and got in the truck and drove straight here. I went to Mom's, Dad's, Kelly and Lee's then to Chris's grave, and then I drove to your parents' to find out where you were at."

She held him tight and kissed him lovingly, wiping her tears and sniffling, "God, honey....congratulations. I'm SO proud of you and SO happy for you. Come in and party with us."

"No, it's girls' night. I'll let you do your thing, I'll wait at your place." Luke tried to argue, but Caroline wouldn't have it. She brought him inside and brought him over to the table after they put his papers back in the truck and locked it up. "LADIES! You're looking at Capitol Records's newest recording artist, Luke Bryan!"

The ladies all cheered and bought him shots too. The group all had a really great time. Luke only had a few so he could drive his truck, and he drove Caroline back to her place at bar close.

The two fooled around and fell asleep on her mattress at her apartment for the last time. Life was NOT going to be the same from here on out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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