FINAL CHAPTER PART I: I Am Thy Stable Boy's Spirit

Start from the beginning

🐗 🐛 Hakuna Mata + Bare Necessities 🐻🥭

🎶 "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase" 🎶 Timon sanged

🎶"Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze"🎶Pumbaa than sanged 

Timon and Pumbaa began to sing together "It means no worries For the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!" Timon and Pumbaa said as they walked Simba into the jungle "Hakuna Mata?" Simba asked as he followed the two into the jungle "Yea its our Motto" Pumbaa said "Whats a motto?" Simba asked "a motto are words that you live by" Timon said "Hakuna Mata those words will solve all your problems" Pumbaa said "Yes take Pumbaa for example" Timon said 🎶 "when he was a young warthog" Timon sanged 🎶"When I was a young wart-hoooog!"🎶 Pumbaa sanged

🎶"He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal. He could clear the Savannah after every meal"🎶 Timon sanged 🎶"I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinnedAnd it hurt that my friends never stood downwind And oh, the shame" 🎶 "Thought of changin' my name... And I got downhearted... Every time that I farted"  🎶 Pumbaa sanged "Pumbaa thats.. gross" Timon said "Sorry..." Pumbaa said

🎶 "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase" 🎶 Timon & Pumbaa sanged

🎶"Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze"🎶Timon & Pumbaa said 

Simba than began to sing "It means no worries For the rest of your days" Simba sanged "Yeah sing it kid "It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!" Simba, Timon and Pumbaa sanged together, The three than walked as saw the two sides the gorilla territory and wolf territory "You guys live here?" Simba asked "We live were we want" Timon said "And we do as we please" Pumbaa said "Its marvelous" Simba said, the three walked into the gorilla territory, Simba began to look around the jungle, he than lost sight of Timon and Pumbaa, he began to get worried that he ran searching for them, while looking around he bumped into a white skinned human raised by Gorillas "OWW" Simba and Tarzan said as the bumped into each other, When Tarzan saw Simba he shaked for bit and ran back to his troop who were cooling off near a waterfall "RUN ITS A LION" Tarzan said as he jumped on Tantor "The King of the beasts?" Tantor ran afraid, Simba than arrived confused why were they running away, Terk saw Simba stopping Tarzan and Tantor from running "Hello are you two morons or something?" Terk said "What its a lion" Tarzan "Well look at it again.. ITS A CUB YOU NITWITS!!!" Terk said causing the other young gorillas to laugh "Maybe there is more banana brains in the jungle" Kago and the other young gorillas laughed, Kerchak than stepped foot and looke down at Simba "Whoa" Simba looked up a the large silverback, Kerchak didn't trust Simba due to him being a Lion, Timon and Pumbaa arrived and found Simba with the rest of the jungle crew "Oh there you are Simba" Timon said "Everyone this is Simba" Pumbaa said to Kerchak's Tribe and Akela's Pack "A Lion cub" Baloo said "He looks harmless" Bagheera said, Pumbaa burped with hunger "Man i am starved" Pumbaa said hungry "I am in the mood to eat a whole Zebra" Simba said "Uh we are fresh out of Zebras" Timon said "Any antelope?" Simba said worrying the antelopes in the jungle "No no kid if wanna live like us you gotta eat like us" Timon said "Hey this log looks like it has some grubs" Pumbaa cracked opened the log revealing hundreds of bugs "Whats that?" Simba asked "Grubs" Timon answered "Slimy but satisfying" Pumbaa said "Besides water kid you can drink fruit like coconut" Timon said, Simba looked at the gorillas eating termite larvae, Simba got close to what seemed a caterpillar "Well Hakuna Mata" Simba ate the bug and loved it "Slimy but satisfying" Simba smiled, "Would you like to tree a mango?" Baloo handed a large mango to the lion cub, Simba toke a large bite and taste the juice of the mango "Its sweet" Simba smiled again "Thats it" Timon was glad Simba enjoyed both the grubs and juicy fruit

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