"It's not, it can be fun too"

"No! What's so fun about doing work just to make something"

"Well, for instance cooking allows you to be able to eat food whenever you want, without having to rely on one of us for that"

"Whatever, I've spent enough time here, I'm out"

"No. You're not just going to rudely leave me like that just because you don't like the conversation"

"T O O  B A D"

Ixol storms off and leaves the world, Ulipse was now alone, she only sighed and sat down. Compale sat next to her, looking at her with concern.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm clearly not okay"

"Sorry- but I'm also sorry you had to deal that"

"He's still kind of young, younger than us rather"

"But it's been so many years, he should known something by now"

"He didn't get to grow up normally, he was a kid when he turned into a point already, and I assume Celesteal was too busy to tend to his needs to be able to teach him"

"Well yeah..."

"Ulipse, why is there a slight crack on your symbol?"


Ulipse touches her symbol, she felt a little crack on its corner.

"Oh this, I kind of remembered something"

"What was it?"

"There was someone talking to me, and I was talking about how they can stay... In my kingdom? And I mentioned the name Despair? This memory showed up when I was looking at Ixol when he was eating those pancakes"

Compale looks at her in silence, his symbol flicked a few times, seemingly amused.

"Maybe... You knew who Ixol was when we weren't points, did you remember what Despair looked like?"

"Uhm... Pale white skin, messy black hair, red eyes- he was a little kid and a fire demon"

"Sounds like Ixol alright, we have to inform Celesteal about thi-"

"You tell him, not me"

"You still have resentment towards Celesteal?"

"Oh come on, don't pretend like you don't know how heavy his actions were! He pointified us out of fear of being caught, I get it, but he used us for his narrative. He used our trust just to do this, sure it was to end his life because of the corruption slowly taking control of him, but had he really have to set that whole narrative up? Ixol's friends died in the middle of this mess!"

Compale looked at Ulipse quietly, he didn't know what to say. Ulipse sighs and faces him, as if gazing into his eyes, if they were visible.

"Give me a reason, or something good that came out of that mess of a narrative

"... We couldn't have met Nick, didn't we? He couldn't have been able to free a few points and gave them their freedom, there wouldn't be a star saviour to have came to see the pocket dimensions and bring Morward and Pasless out of there, is that enough reasons for you?"

"I... You're right, I guess there's nothing that could be done about what's happened"

"Exactly, now come on, let's go find Celesteal"

Without any word, she nodded and followed after Compale as they approach the exit from the world. Upon exiting, a commotion can be heard nearby, at the next door in the emporium. The two looked at each other in confusion, and goes to where it came from.

"Ixol calm down please-"


Ixol attempts tackling the other, but they swiftly.

"You know it's rude to just begin a fight without asking for permission to commence a fight"


"Stars- someone help! Stop Ixol please-"

A sharp piece of glitch is thrown at them, it barely misses, but causes a cut on their cheek, Ulipse's symbol flickered in alarm and quickly summoned two crescent moons. With a motion of her arm, the crescent moons go towards Ixol and pushes him away from the other, falling to the ground.

"Ixol what are you doing?! Don't attack the Shard Saviour!"

Ixol doesn't respond, but merely lay there on the ground. Ulipse sighs and went over to Clark.

"Are you okay?"

"Kind of"

"Did you get any injuries from Ixol?"

"No, just this cut, I'll be fine, it's not deep"

"You're still hurt, what even happened?"

"I don't know, I was parting ways from Clerical and Verfection, he suddenly attacked in anger that I couldn't quite understand as to why"

"That's... So wrong, isn't he your brother?? Why would he do this to you of all people-"

"Again, I don't know, but have you seen my father?"

"Is anyone looking for me?"

Everyone except Ixol look at where a voice came from, Celesteal was there.

"Father I-" Clark would face him, Celesteal gasped and ran towards him.

"What happened?! Why is there a cut on your face, who hurt you-"

"Ixol, out of nowhere, he seemed pretty mad but I didn't know why"

Celesteal shifted his gaze to Ixol, his back was turned that his face is away from everyone's view.


"I uh, Celesteal I need to talk to you about something, it's urgent"

"Ulipse, give me a moment to take care of Ixol, I'll be quick".

She wordlessly nodded, watching as he went over to Ixol, he didn't seem to move.


He gazed at Ixol to get a good look of his face, he seemed gloomy and stressed, the anger was gone but he could notice he had been crying in his spot. He picked him up and took him to his world, whatever has happened was a mystery and he has came back alone.

"Ixol will be okay, I've spoken to him about what has happened. Now, what were you going to tell me?"

"I've remembered something, it was about Ixol" Celesteal's symbol flickered in surprise, before he could respond, she continued.

"Despair, that was his name, isn't it?"

"You are correct, that was his name"

"I remembered talking to who I assumed was his parents back in the kingdom I lived, saying they could live as long as they want there. Despair was merely a little kid, playing happily... I smiled at him softly and he smiled back"

"I know you all have connections to each other based on Stratosfear's stories and my memories of how it all went down, but I am honestly shocked to hear that my own son has known you before he ended up where he was with me. And that his parents have been killed... Meaning..."

"They didn't stay in the kingdom..."

"I fear the day he will remember everything, he will have to handle what has happened when he was young"

Ulipse felt a sense of sympathy to Celesteal, she hated him, but she can't deny that this situation was difficult for him. 

"Maybe if I remember more and gain my memories, I can help with Ixol to cope with the trauma?"

"that sounds wonderful, thank you Ulipse"

"My cut is still bleeding."

"Oh- sorry Clark, let me heal that" He went over to him to heal his wounds, soon after Clark left the emporium to go back to star sanctuary and the three were left alone to discuss about Ixol.

The Grand Narrative: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now