Sky Emporium

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"it feels good to have the emporium back in one piece, I missed spending days just chilling with you here, Ploque"

"Arrolin, we always chill together, what's the difference?"

"It feels peaceful being here, it feels comforting in a sense, Celesteal really did well making this place"

"Mhm, you're right about that" Ploque ruffled Arrolin's fur tuft on his head and gently pushed her away in response.

"Ploque no- my fur- I just finished brushing that neatly"

"Too bad!-"

"Arrolin? Ploque?"

The two looks over to the direction where the voice came from and saw Stratosfear and Anshine.

"Oh! Hello you two, how's the star sanctuary?"

"It's pretty well, everything is settled and- Shard Saviour isn't okay at the moment"

"Oh. What happened to him?"

"He tried to remember some memories with Celesteal's help, went well except it was memories of the incident he almost died in is what he managed to remember"

"I see, I hope he's okay- hang on, why is there a crack on Anshine's symbol?"

"Long story short: I was kinda being sad about something and Anshine kind of said something that seems to be memories from when we were humans, somehow he had memories that resurfaced, causing a slight crack on his symbol"

"Huh?" Arrolin tilts his head in confusion.

"Your memories aren't actually wiped out, just pushed back where it's hard to reach, Celesteal said I could help with making you guys remember who you were... You were actually my friends, somehow dragged into his narrative in some... Unfortunate ways"

Ploque frowns and sighs.

"Well, despite that, you can help us to remember stuff right?"


"Then do what you can do"

"Yeah so," Stratosfear sat on the floor, Anshine does as well.

"Where do I start? How you two were pointified or who you two are or-"

"How about the pontification-"

"Right, well you one day had witnessed pointification, it was our friends, Signol, Shallare and his creation, Mino"

"Wait Shallare created Mino?"

"Yes, now, you were horrified of this and kept quiet of it, but one day Arrolin noticed how you seemed more quiet, and you couldn't take it and told him. However, Celesteal showed up knowing you two had learned what he done and chased you down. Arrolin tried to hold Celesteal off to let you run away to safety but he was quick to be pointified and you reached a dead end. And you know what happens next"

"Oh... I see, so were we like friends?"

"Childhood friends, Arrolin is forever grateful for having you as a friend, hybrids like him weren't exactly welcomed in your hometown at first"

"Where did we live? Who were we?"

"Wyvern town, it was pretty far away from Maytown, let's say you two went on a vacation to Maytown once and decided to keep contact with us through letters, your name is Trussey and Arrolin was Laoin"

"I assume the hybrid between a human and dragon was deemed unstable...?"

"Correct, they tend to have unhealthy hybrids or aggressive ones, Arrolin was different than them, though more dragon as his father was a hybrid himself"

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