The visit

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Ixol walked alongside Ombre outside the fortress in Noxron, not too far away, a few gravestones can be seen. He would sit on the ground just near the graves, Ombre simply looking at the graves. Each one had the names of their friends, who died in Celesteal's wrath during the narrative progression.

"It was all just unintentional? Corruption? What even happened to Celesteal to get corrupted like that?"

"I knew he used to roam around dimensions, maybe he got it on an unfortunate time. Despite that I forgive him... He still killed my friends, at least the love and care he gave me as I grew up is genuine after all, but now the fortress is... A lonesome place for you, since I have a world of my own and you used to have company here..."

"It's fine Ixol, I'm used to this by now, I just like to think they're watching us, wherever they went after dying. I appreciate you visit me daily though, it's nice to have someone around"

"Of course, you're my only friend left here in Noxron, I can't forget about you"

Ombre just smiles before Ixol spoke again.

"You know, we should go somewhere sometimes, just a casual walk around places. We could also go visit a cafe or whatever"

"And you cause property damage?"

"Huh- no I would only do that to Dad's house, old man's only allowed to sleep in pillow fluff"

"Wait till he replaces those pillow fluff with actual clouds so it's not able to be shredded"

"Haha, I'm surprised he hasn't considered that yet-"

"Ixol?" A voice spoke behind the two.

"Wh- oh it's you, Shard Saviour" Ixol said, glancing over to his back.

"Yeah, hello"

"What brings you here to Noxron?"

"You know, for being technically adopted by father, you're in a way, my brother"

"Wait Dad had a child? Since when?"

"Eighteen years ago probably, I mean I was created like Yawgate or something"

"Why would he want to raise another kid"

"I don't know, maybe he misses when he took care of you years before...?"

"Mmm, you got a point there"

"Do you want to raid father's house and destroy his pillows out of spit-"



"oh no they're both chaotic-"

Ixol opens a portal and the two siblings would jump into it, and land directly into Celesteal's house. They began wrecking Celesteal's couch, the man in question isn't home, they don't know where he's usually at.

"Burn the couch burn the couc-"


the front door suddenly opens, and the two brothers freeze, Yawgate was at the door and only stares at the two, unfazed.

"Wrecking his house, hm? Don't forget his pillows, don't mind me, I just need to get something in the fridge"

He walks over to the kitchen, grabbing a container of food from the refrigerator, before walking back to the door and leaving. Clark looks at Ixol who looks back, the couch behind them already burnt to ashes.

"Is he always like that?"

"I have no idea, I just met Yawgate days ago, only heard things but that's it"

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