Middle of the night

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Clark found himself awake very early in the morning, the sun has not risen and everything was still dark. He couldn't fall back to sleep and decided to get up for the day, putting on a different attire from his usual clothing. He wore a light blue shirt with a light gray jacket on top of it, and a pair of light brown pants, his necklace no longer hidden in his clothing as he used to do. He grabs his hat that he has always worn and his sword before going outside, it was still dark and the stars twinkle in the pitch black sky.

"I wonder what Clerical is up to, unless he's still asleep, either way I should go find where he is"

Clark started walking off to some direction, but stops almost immediately.

"Wait how am I supposed to get anywhere, everyone could still be asleep"

He started looking around for solutions and noticed the entrance of the sanctuary for the portal that leads to sky Emporium, he quickly ran over and slowly went down the pathway. Once reaching the bottom he hops into the portal and found himself in sky emporium, everything was dark, the only source of light came from the portal to star Sanctuary and the windows as well as entrances connecting the other parts of the whole emporium.

"I'm here, but where do I go?"

He wanders around, entering the portion of the emporium where Arrolin, Mino and Ixol's world entrances reside in as well as the next and final areas of the emporium.

"Arrolin's the 7th world to the emporium, so that means I'm headed to Mino's and Ixol's, maybe Yawgate is at the end bit of the emporiu- huh"

Clark notices a form on the ground at a corner from the room he stood in, although it was dark, he recognized the form to be Verfection. He peacefully slept there, curled up into a ball, beside him was his sketchpad, still opened at a page and a detailed sketch of the night sky was on it.

"Is this where he usually sleeps? Doesn't he have two houses? Why is he even here"

"I'm not willing to walk all the way back home"

He was startled to hear Verfection respond, he still was curled up to a ball but now he seems awake, eyes glaring at Clark.

"What brings you here to the emporium, Clark"

"I... I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to go to Clerical but I don't know how since everyone is asleep and I don't know where Yawgate is"

"Don't bother Yawgate, he needs his rest from operating the Yawrail for people everyday, I know where Clerical lives"

"Can I even trust you?"

"You probably don't since I wanted you dead a few days ago, but I don't mean any harm now. I was just, really stressed, especially I've gotten my memories back in an instant, and all that's happened before Celesteal died"

"I intended my question to be light hearted, but you did not have to go too deep into it, I am so sorry Verfection"

"Ah, it's fine" Verfection grabbed his sketchpad and got up to his feet. "You can just call me Nick, it's shorter and I remember who I am, I'm better off being called who I am than the identity I've had without memories"

Clark nodded and approached Nick.

"So, where's Clerical at?"

Nick squints at Clark for a moment, as if observing him.


"Sorry, I've never really seen you wear anything but the usual outfit you have, just noticed it now since it's kinda dark"

"Sometimes wearing the same thing is kinda giving the impression we don't wash our clothes or even change at all, also this is very comfortable you know"

"Fair enough, now let's go, he doesn't live in a dimension, he lives somewhat near my first home"

"What is he doing there-"

"I don't know, one day he said he wanted to live somewhere quiet, I suggest to him the forest I lived in, now he's my neighbor"


"I know, it's shocking, but at least I'm not alone when I'm at home, now let's go"

Nick opens a portal which seemed a little weaker and smaller than any points' portals, and he struggled to get in, Clark stares at him in concern.

"Are you okay"

"Huh? I'm okay, my powers must be weakened from the recent events"

"Alright- whatever floats your boat, I won't ask further"

He finally got through the other side of the portal and Clark was quick to get through.

"Man I wish I was shorter"

"No you don't want to be shorter"

"Okay you have a point, come on, but I think Clerical is still aslee- nevermind"

Clark look over at what he looked at, and saw a little house beside what he assumed was Nick's house. This house had it's lights opened, and a voice can be heard, it was talking to itself.

"I think we should go see him"

"Alright, go on, I'll follow"

Clark started running to Clerical's house while Nick only walks after him, keeping a slow pace but eventually catching up on him, Clark knocks on the door and it opens immediately.

"Who's th- oh why are you two here"

Clerical looked like a mess, his hair all messed up and his glasses just lifted up from his face, he seemed stressed out.

"Uhhhh, Clerical are you okay? You look awful"

"Oh! I'm fine, I assure you, I've been busy with something that's all"

"Okay, also I see you got glasses- but you should put them on where they're supposed to be otherwise you're gonna be blind as a bat as always"

Clerical puts his glasses properly as told.

"Well, what brings you two here? It's nighttime"

"Couldn't sleep, and I ran into Verfection who was in the sky emporium"

"Hm, why don't you two come in, it's cold outside"

"Alright, thank you Clerical"

They go inside and sat together at a table, the house seemed to be tidy except one corner that seemed to be a sort of work table, papers and papers placed on it, corruption cures can be seen neatly placed in a box underneath.

"What are you up to at a time like this?"

"Working on things, what are you two up to then?"

"Nothing really, just deep contemplating and now I've just helped Clark to come see you"

"I- I uh- I just wanted to see how you're doing since I haven't really seen you since the whole shard saviour thing I dealt with"

"Hm, well I'm doing fine, and since you ever so kindly kept pointing out my problem with seeing, I got glasses"

"That's nice"

"Also since you two here, I might as well share what I have been doing, I've been informed by Celesteal what has been planned for the points and their memories. And I was asked it there's something I can do to help, so far I have no ideas"

"Well do you have any knowledge with technology" Verfection's question surprised Clerical.

"Why yes, I have quite enough experience with them"

"I was wondering if you could help out with Shallare and Mino, since Mino is a robot and all and I'm just thinking what if it's possible to look around Mino's database for any, hidden files that might just be their lost memories"

"Ahhh, I could help with that, I'll go to Shallare in the afternoon, say, would you two like to help brainstorm for ideas about others and find another way to help them with their memories?"

The two nodded and Clerical nods approvingly in return.

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