If it was possible, Seb looked even more happy and relaxed than usual and Iris figured that was down to having Norbert here with him

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If it was possible, Seb looked even more happy and relaxed than usual and Iris figured that was down to having Norbert here with him. Your teammates might become your surrogate family during all the weeks and months spent away from home but having your actual family here with you to support you would mean a lot more and be a huge boost and it showed in Seb's demeanour today. He was glowing and through the lens of her camera he looked even more gorgeous.

As had happened before, she caught him staring back at her through the lens and again, for a second she forgot to breathe. Somehow she was going to have to get used to working with him; the butterflies were going to have to stop as were the dreams and these moments where they'd catch each other staring. Seeing him was going to have to become 'normal' and thinking what he'd be like in bed compared to what Ben was like most definitely had to stop.

All of a sudden Seb was jogging towards her and she lowered her camera down as he got closer.

"Hi, need some time under the umbrella?" He stopped next to her and held his umbrella so it sheltered them both from the rain.

"While your engineer gets wet?" she pulled a cloth from her pocket and began to delicately wipe parts of her camera to try and keep it dry.

He looked over to Chris who had now pulled his hood up over his head, "he's fine and he's not got an expensive camera in his hands."

"Well thank you," she smiled, "it's very much appreciated."

"How was the flight?" he asked, finding himself wanting to spend time talking to her that he hadn't really got.

"I expect yours was better in first class," she remarked dryly, "but as flights in cattle class go, it was good."

"If you want to fly first class all you have to do is ask me," he replied suggestively.

Her eyes widened and she laughed, "you'd pay for my upgrade would you?!"

To her surprise he looked at her seriously, "yes, I would."

Iris was speechless, surely Seb was joking! There was no way Aston Martin would let him do that! Was there?

He found it amusing at first but inside he knew that if she was his then she'd never fly cattle class, as she'd just called it, again; she'd be first class or business class on every flight they'd take or they'd even fly by private jet if it made her happy. But only if they couldn't drive or get to a race by other means, he didn't like to fly unless he really had to - which coming here from UK meant he'd had to.

Pretty Iris could have anything she desired, he'd make sure she wanted for nothing....if she was his.

With the sound of the rain pattering down on his umbrella, he snapped himself out of his thoughts and called his father over, wanting to introduce her.

Iris froze, feeling star struck all over again as Norbert wandered over and stopped next to his son, underneath his green Aston Martin umbrella.

"I'd you like to meet someone," Seb began, slipping an arm around his father's shoulders, "dad, this is Iris, she's our new photographer and it's only her second race with us. Iris, this is my father, Norbert."

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