Soon a footman brought out a small spaniel pup, in a decoratively ribboned basket. It was the very one that she had held in her arms a few days ago when she had visited the Cecils.

"It is a most generous gesture, Sir. But would you truly entrust my niece to care for a dog? I do not think she is quite up to the task" Protested her aunt

Captain Cecil interjected "My dear madam, any female under your care would make an excellent mother or nurse. Seeing that you set such a fine example yourself, having four splendid young ladies in your charge. Therefore, I dare say, we may trust your niece to the care of this young pup, on your good account."

Mollified by his comments her aunt conceded without further protests.

"What say you, Miss Hughes? Do you like the present?" inquired old Earl.

"Yes, sir. I am most grateful." She said thanking him "but what should I call him? Have you a name for him?"

"We did not name lot of the pups in the litter. since, there were eight of them. But he is yours now, thus you should christen him. What do you think you should call him?"

"Bonaparte! Yes, I should call him Bonaparte" she declared shocking everyone. "Seeing that he is small and stout and has lived at the mercy of Englishmen such as yourself, so far, I think the name rather befits him. " She said with a playful sheen in her eyes, but everyone else was a dumbfounded, as politics was considered a highly unfeminine subject, and was never to be discussed by a well-bred lady.

"Unless you think it's a great insult." After a dramatic pause, she added "Off course to the spaniel" This comment broke men into a barrel of laughter, while a stiff frown of annoyance remained affixed on her aunt and her cousins' faces.

"You have a wicked sense of humour, my dear." Said the old earl "Quite uncanny for a lady, but refreshing nevertheless. Now, I expect a full report on how he fares, whenever I shall you see you next. I am sure you'll take good care of him."

"I shall see to it that she does. I shall personally supervise it." said Mrs. Briggsby in an undermining tone.

Soon after, the party dispersed as people began indulging in different games that were arranged.
Gentlemen preferred chess, while ladies sat in a circle to play piquet. There were some though who preferred neither, like the younger Miss Janssen who had brought her embroidery, or Mr. Briggsby who was reading a newspaper. Then, there were some like Eloise and Mr. Kenmore, who simply sat about eating tarts and conversing as they admired the surrounding woods. Lady Payne, who had complained of having a migraine, secluded herself, and perched under the shade of a nearby tree, embroidering a kerchief.

On the opposite corner from her, Katherine had borrowed a small blanket from a servant and likewise set herself in the shade of a tree, from where she could observe the picnic party. She had selected a spot that offered a greater view of encompassing hills, so she may reproduce the same view on her drawing pad. On one side she had arranged her painting supplies; watercolours, a few brushes, a pencil, a small cheesecloth for blotting and a teacup with water. On the other side, sat her new companion Bonaparte or Bon-bon, an endearing name she thought of calling him. As she meticulously began sketching the scene on her pad, Captain Cecil approached. He did not say anything and simply stood admiring her work from an adjacent angle. When she finally lifted her head, as her bonnet was obstructing her view of him, he offered her a smile. Something that he was in habit of generously bestowing upon her, these days.

"Are you fond of painting Miss Hughes?" He asked

" Yes, I do enjoy it occasionally, when I get an opportunity to do so. I hope you didn't take me as a hermit, who only likes to hibernate in a library with books. Although I dare say, riveting muses or scenes are hard to come by compared to riveting books."

"Well then, you should try painting, while you sit in front of a mirror. I am sure you'll find a perfect muse there." He flirted

"I am afraid, my interest lies only in painting inanimate objects such as flowers, hills, or fruit baskets. But I shall try my hand at human figures upon your suggestion."

"Although, I do suspect you came here to inquire about my new present and not to suggest muses for my painting" She added further

"You have read my mind. Now, tell me, was the present to your liking?" He said dotingly nudging the pup with his index finger, who had fallen asleep peacefully besides Katherine in his cushioned basket.

"I absolutely adore him! You have been most thoughtful, I hardly know how to thank you"

"No need. My only regret is, I couldn't be the one presenting it to you. By having my father, a peer of the realm,  present the gift so publicly, It was sure that your aunt cannot refuse it or in anyway get rid of it afterwards" he explained

"That was quite ingenious" she giggled "My aunt did try to protest, however. But even she could not withstand your charm, Captain. You essentially mollified her."

Call me, Henry, I insist" He said wanted her to use his christian name. A liberty that was only allowed to people that were closely related, which they were certainly not. "If I am to court you in earnest, Captain would sound rather formal, don't you think?"

He sat down next to her, but was careful not to get too close, as they were surely under scrutiny of others and slightest impropriety would be frowned upon.

"Miss Hughes, you surely must have noticed my interest you and I hope my efforts have not been in vain. Although, I do suspect you are not the type of woman who might ponder upon a man's attentions and construe some meaning out of it. But let me make my intentions known." He looked into her eyes.

"I have been contemplating on asking your uncle for permission to court you formally. And I wished to have your blessing, for I will recede if you find my attention unwanted or unworthy."

"Honour will be mine, Capta- I mean Henry" the idea of using his christian name turned her crimson. How can someone find a polite, considerate man like him objectionable? But he was too modest to flatter himself.

"I cannot tell you how delighted I am, I can hardly contain myself. I would kiss your hands if I could, but we seem to have caught people's attention somehow. I can feel their disguised gaze upon us." He said looking back at the picnic party

"You can expect me to call upon you in two days, I believe I fill find a good opportunity to seek your uncle' permission then and we may go for an hour of horse riding"

"I shall eagerly look forward to it." She said before he took his leave. She was aching to tell Eloise of what had just transpired. Her heart thumped so eagerly with excitement.

She decided she would practice riding tomorrow morning. Not that it would turn her into a skilled equestrian overnight, but at-least she would not appear like a complete poppycock when she went riding with Henry.

Author's Note

A have a quick question for all the readers. Do you like pictures included with each chapter or should I not use them? 

I try to include a picture that depicts one scene from the chapter. These pictures are obviously from various regency era movies and tv series.

Shall I continue using them? Or it doesn't make a difference?

Please let me know your thoughts.

~ M. Arsenault

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