Chapter 3

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"Really? It's a big life decision and you don't need to make it right now, you can take some time to think it over if you want." Peter said even though he sounded elated to hear my words.

"I want to go with you, there is nothing here anyway for me," I said

"Hey, kiddo did I really hear you say that ?" Harry said grumbling.

"Except for you of course Harry," I said with a smile on my face. I was really going to miss him, he supported me even at my lowest and didn't abandon me no matter what I did.

His expression melted and he spread his arms for me, I quickly hugged him and whispered " I'm gonna miss you" he hugged me back and said " I'm going to miss you too kiddo"

We broke the hug after a minute and I glanced at Peter, "so how is this going to work out ?" I asked him

"Well since you're my biological daughter, I don't think there is going to be any problem legally but I'll still sought it out, and then maybe in a couple of days after you're all packed and everything, we both could go back to New York together." He said

" so you'll stay here till then or are you returning?" I asked him, "I'll stay here and then we can go back together." He replied

We said our goodbyes and then Harry took me back to the Huddlestons and then told them about everything that happened and how I was going back. They just nodded and then went back to whatever they were doing.

I am currently lying in my bed just thinking about what is going to happen from now on, in a couple of days I am going to be living with my dad, my real dad who also happens to be a federal agent. I don't know if I should be happy that I found my dad or be worried about what's going to happen. For someone who overthinks everything, why do I not think before I do stupid shit?

I spent the next day packing up my stuff which wasn't much to be honest, having to give an interview to the social service representative about my opinions on the move and then going to school to pack up my things there as well.

I had talked to Peter once in the afternoon and he told me that he was getting all the legal matters sought out and also that he had asked someone to prepare my room for me back at home.

When he said the word home, I felt weird in my stomach. I've never had a home, not really anyway, so the concept was really foreign to me.

It was finally the day when I was going to New York with Peter and we were currently at the airport, I just had 2 suitcases and a backpack, so we were taking all the stuff with us on the flight rather than shipping it.

2 suitcases and a backpack, my whole life contained in them.

I was pretty nervous about the move and I feel like Harry and Peter both noticed it as Peter just gave me a soft smile and Harry hugged me and whispered in my ear, "you can always come to me if anything is wrong, call me all the time kiddo, I'm going to miss you so much."

I felt my eyes get wet with his words, I really was going to miss him so much, he was the only constant in my life and now I have to leave him as well. I hugged him back and just whispered" I'm gonna miss you too"

We completed the security checks and baggage check-in pretty quickly as soon as Peter flashed a badge, I guess being on the right side of law enforcement does have its perks.

During the flight, Peter told me about his house, his colleagues, Diana and Jones, he told me more stories about Neal Caffery and some of his associates mostly someone called Mozzie.
The more I heard about Neal and his friends, the more I felt like I really would like him a lot.

I must have fallen asleep by the time we reached Peter's house because when I woke up I was in an unfamiliar room and it looked like it was afternoon.
I found my suitcases in the room as well, so I just took some clothes out and went to the en-suite bathroom and took a shower, and changed my clothes. I went downstairs to find Peter cooking and an unfamiliar but really handsome man standing at the counter and talking to him.

"Hey, good morning Peter," I said while walking into the kitchen.

"It's one in the afternoon, I won't call it morning Victoria," he said but with a smile on his face so I knew he didn't say it in a bad way.

" Oh, cut her some slack Peter she just woke up after a long flight." The man spoke while he got up and came towards me.

"Hey, I'm Neal, it's really nice to meet you Victoria." He said while bringing his hand up for a handshake. God, I don't think someone should be allowed to be that good-looking.

"Hey, I'm Victoria as you already know, Peter told me a lot of good things about you," I told him while shaking his hand.

"I really doubt that he had a lot of good things to say but could you tell me exactly what he told you," he said with a mischievous smile on his face

"Oh cut it out you two, especially you Neal," he said pointed at Neal who just gave him an innocent expression with said 'I didn't do anything

"Victoria come eat, I made Pasta, You didn't even eat dinner on the plane last night, you must be starving," Peter said while setting up a plate at the counter.

I hopped on the stool beside the counter and wolfed down the pasta while Peter and Neal were talking about a case or something. I really was starving and the pasta was amazing.

After I finished and put my plate in the sink, Peter called me to the living room and sat me down on the couch, " So Victoria I found a private school near the FBI building which is really good for everything, tomorrow you can come with me to work and we can enroll you in the school and then you can meet everyone at the office too. How does that sound?" Peter asked.

"Umm yeah it's cool, we can do that but do I really have to go to school immediately, I mean this move has been a big change in my life and I really need to adjust to it, can't I just take a small break and then go back to school ?" I asked him in hopes that he'll take the bait and agree with me

"No, nice try but you're going to school from this Monday" and with that my hope of skipping school went away too.

"It was worth a try," I said while smiling which made Neal laugh out loud and Peter grumbled somewhere along the lines of "what have I gotten myself into" and then got up and went to the kitchen while shaking his head.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a good day!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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