Chapter 1

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Growing up with my mom was probably not the best childhood but after she died and I went into the system, she felt like a blessing.

The foster care system in America would not be winning any awards, if there were any awards for this kind of thing, hell it wouldn't even be considered for that.

The latest family I live with are literally the human description of words "we don't give a fuck" or "bad parenting 101". Hence no one has come to pick me up even though I have been in the cell since last night and it's 11 am right now.

The police officer came in and said "you can go now, your social worker is here" I walked out and saw Mr. Reese with the same worried expression on his face, one that I have seen many times, he is literally the only good part of my life, he is one of those types who just want the children to get the best in life.

"Vic, I thought we decided that you wouldn't do any drugs, no matter what." He said as soon as I was in the hearing range.

"Harry it was just weed, that's not even technically drugs" I pointed that out to him, he just gave me another disappointed look fully knowing it was no use even arguing with me.

"let's go, Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston are waiting for you," he said while walking out of the precinct.

"they're so worried that they didn't even bother to pick up their phones all night" I muttered under my breath but followed him anyway.

We reached my so-called home and the Huddlestons answered the door looking all worried, clearly putting up a show for Harry but Harry always looked for the good in people even those who didn't deserve it.

"We were so worried last night and weed, Victoria, you know it's bad for you," she said in one of the fakest worried tones like she doesn't do weed every day with her husband.
That's actually where I got the weed I smoked last night from, her underwear drawer.

"Yeah won't happen again," I said in the most uninterested tone I could muster,

Turning to Harry I said" thanks for bailing me out and I'll see you soon" going for a hug, he hugged me back and replied in my ear" you know I'll always be there for you"

After he left my fosters got back to not giving a fuck about me and returned to whatever it is they do.

Now don't get me wrong, I could've had it so much worse like at least they are not abusive or anything, so I am not complaining too much.

I went to my room and read a book on my phone, which was brand new as I swiped it just last morning on my way to school. And it's not like I am a kleptomaniac or anything but I have needs and a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do to fulfill them.

It's been a week since the weed incident and the only place I've been to is school cause apparently me getting arrested looks bad on the Huddlestons as it makes them look irresponsible which they are by the way but anyway so I have done nothing all week except play on my phone and read a couple of books.

My old phone started ringing, the one Harry bought for me to contact him if anything was ever wrong, I picked up the call and asked" hey, what do I owe the pleasure of this call to?" In a mischievous tone, cause he was the only person I could be like that with.

"Vic, I need to tell you something," he said in a serious tone.

His tone kind of threw me off cause if you knew Harry, you would know that he was only this serious if the matter was life and death, okay maybe I am exaggerating a little bit but you get the idea.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Vic, remember when you were arrested for the weed incident and the-" he started saying but I cut him off with "obviously I remember Har, how bad do you think my memory is?" while chuckling.

"it's really serious Vic, Do you remember how they took your blood to drug test it ?" he asked

"yeah" I answered in a small tone not knowing where this was going.

"Well they accidentally messed up and switched your sample with the sample for a DNA test and they found a match"

"What???" I almost yelled on the phone, "what do you mean they found a match?"

"Vic, they found your real dad," he said in a comforting tone.

"I don't believe you, You're just lying to me," I said, almost as a whisper.

"When have I ever lied to you kiddo, trust me it won't be as bad as you're thinking right now, he is an FBI Agent after all, how much worse can he be than the Huddleston's?" he said to try to lighten up my mood but that definitely didn't do wonders for me

"FBI AGENT?? he is an FBI agent, why does this news keep getting worse and worse," I asked in a tone of disbelief. Imagine if he found out about everything I have done so far, what if he puts me in jail or something.

"It's going to be okay kiddo, the police contacted him and he is quite elated about you, in fact he is flying here tomorrow to meet you and possibly take you back with him" he said in such soft tone. 

We talked for a few more minutes and he told me he'll come to pick me up in the morning and will be there with me when we meet my dad.

I had mixed emotions about the fact that I actually found my real dad, like what if he didn't like me or after he meets me he doesn't want me anymore. I just hope that he likes me, to be honest, I don't want to live in the system anymore. But then again he is a FBI agent so I am not so sure how he'll react to me.

Harry showed up the first thing in the morning just like he promised he would. We had breakfast at this small cafe which had amazing waffles. 

"It's going to be okay tori" he has been trying to get me to calm down all morning. Unsuccessfully so I may say.

"You don't know that Har" I said almost breaking down, not going has crossed my mind so many times since last night but the possibility of meeting my dad and living with him has helped me in overcoming this thought.

"Let's go, It's time to meet him," he said while getting up and paying the check.

"Do we really have to? " I asked him with my heartbeat rising every second.

"Yes Tori, I know it'll be amazing after you meet him once," He said taking my hand and pulling me towards the car gently.

We were waiting at the place for him and I honestly feel like my heart is about burst out of my chest.

A guy who looked to be in about his 40s but was still handsome walked up to us, this was it I was finally going to meet my real dad, someone who only existed in my imagination until now.

 He said," Hi you must be Victoria, I am Special Agent Peter Burke."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter and Have a great day!!!

Victoria Burke (Spanking story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα