Chapter Seventeen

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The aliens were incredible at cheer, even with their powers it's technically classed as cheating but the way they are so in sync with each other and how their flips are perfect, and they've never done cheer before. I heard the acey's muttering something about the aliens and how they are so good without trying, I hope we have something up our sleeves when it comes to the actual day of the cheer-off.

Soon enough the aliens were done with their routine, and they started walking over to us with smiles on their faces, they soon arrived in front of us "our telepathic groupthink makes cheer so easy" A-li said cheerfully.

"Yes, we are even better than you, and you've been practising your whole life," A-lan said looking around our group to avoid any eye contact with me.

I crossed my arms over my chest as the aliens continued to smile and say that they were better than us even though they cheated "so fun, thank you for inviting us" A-spen smiled leading the aliens to the back of the cheer stadium, as they started to walk past, I caught A-lan staring at me, but he had a guilty look on his face.

Addison made her way to the front of our group from where we were standing and faced us "it's us against them, and we are going to win" Addison announced "we're not going to let them take what's ours"

"Like the Seabrook cup" Bucky announced.

"Right, the Seabrook cup" Addison agreed.

I took a step closer to Addison with a mischievous grin "or we could give Bucky to the aliens if they really want something of ours" I shrugged but got a side glare from Bucky and a chuckle from Addison and the rest of the squad.

Addison composed herself and looked around the group before announcing "go, Seabrook!"

"Yes. That's the spirit. See? Your squad just needed a common enemy to motivate you" Bucky snickered to himself.

"No," Addison said "we are going to win because this squad loves each other, not because we hate anyone else, it's not who we are"

"This cheer-off is our last chance to cheer together, and to win it, we have to try a triple hip-hop double tuck lindy," Bree said catching everyone's attention.

"That move's impossible," Stacey said with the other acey's agreeing.

"I can't do that move without face-planting" Jacey stated with the acey's agreeing as well.

"His face cannot take another nose job," Lacey said, I choked on a chuckle. Damn Jacey.

"Together, we can do anything" Addison spoke once again "come on, guys. Let's go" Addison waved her hand in the air for us to follow her onto the stage.

We all got into our positions and waited for the cue for us to start our routine, soon enough our music started playing and we all started the routine and somehow merged the move that Bree mentioned, whatever it was called. Near the end of the routine Addison guided 2 of the male cheerleaders and told them that she was going to attempt the 'impossible' move, Addison was thrown into the air with such force that I thought she was going to hit the ceiling but seeing the move she was trying to do I now understand why not many people do it.

The people that threw Addison barely had time to catch her without hurting her, but we were told that we were going to try at least one more time before we could have a break. The second time we practised the routine the different trick was getting better and starting to look effortless but then it's Addison, she makes pretty much everything looks effortless.

I was about to drag my water bottle and sit down but the rest of the squad rushed to their bags and the seats, so I decided to stay back until they settled down "that move is amazing, Addison" I said facing Addison.

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