Chapter Eleven

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Addison and I walked to Bree's house to pick her up for prawn, and she looked amazing in her light pink puffy knee-high dress, we started our journey to the school for the second time today, the closer to the school we got the more flashing lights we saw and the more people we saw in pink and blue dresses and suits.

"I wonder if Bucky is here already?" Addison wondered.

"He's most probably still at home making sure there's not a strand of hair out of place" I commented making Addison and Bree laugh.

"So true" Bree agreed.

We made our way into the main building that had streamers in the doorway, the hallways were covered in pink and blue decorations on the walls and the lockers, we found our way into the gym that had streamers in the doorway again "wow" I said in pure amazement.

"I told you that you should have come" Addison shouted over the music, Addison grabbed mine and Bree's hands and pulled us into the middle of the room and started to dance with Bree shortly after her.

"Riley, dance with us" Bree shouted.

"I don't know how to dance" I admitted making both of the girls stop.

"Girl, let yourself loosen up," Bree said coming closer to me. Bree took a hold of both my hands and started waving my arms around "come on, move your feet"

Suddenly we heard screaming coming from the entrance and soon enough Bucky came barging through the streamers with his arms in the air as he ran through the gym "what the..."

"Bonzo!" Bree shrieked as she waved her hand in the air nearly hitting me in the head, I chuckled lightly as I stepped away from Bree until I noticed Addison wasn't with us anymore, I just shrugged it off and stepped towards the drinks table.

I grabbed myself a glass cup and poured myself some of the fruity drink, as I took a sip of my drink something touched my lower back scaring me, I was about to punch whoever was touching me until they came into view "hey" Wyatt smiled at me.

"Hi" I chuckled as my heart rate started to slow down a bit.

Wyatt brushed my arm until his hand was in mine as he took a step back and gestured me to spin, I rolled my eyes at his but spun anyway "you look beautiful" he said as he took a step closer to me.

"Thank you" I smiled; I gave Wyatt a glance from head to toe "you look very handsome"

"I try" he shrugged making me chuckle "want to dance?"

"I can't dance" I stared.

"If I can look great in a suit, I'm pretty sure you can dance," he said taking my glass out of my hand and placing it on the table, Wyatt grabbed both my hand and led me to the dance floor just as a slow song started to play "even better, you don't have to do much" Wyatt stopped us once we entered the middle and placed my hands around his neck and placed his on my waist.

"For someone who lives in the forest, you know a lot about formal dancing" I stated as we swayed together.

"It can get boring in the forest, so I taught myself how to dance," he said as I played with the ends of his hair at the top of his neck.

Wyatt leaned in closer as he brought me into him allowing him to place his forehead against mine, we looked into each other's eyes and I saw a small twinkle of light flash in his eye, Wyatt looked up from me and looked around to find Eliza standing near us with her camera in her hands "you two look so cute together" she said in aw, the feeling of heat started to press across my cheeks but I glared at Eliza hoping she would go take pictures of other people. Eventually, Eliza left leaving me and Wyatt alone again.

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