Chapter Four

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I didn't want to get up in the morning, but I knew I had to, so I pulled my legs out from under my blankets and made my way over to my chair in the corner of my room with my cheer uniform laying over the back of it; the effort of folding it was not for me. Once I was dressed and ready for school, I picked up my school bag and made my way downstairs hoping my parents were already gone to work but luck was not on my side today.

"Morning," my dad said coldly.

"Hi," I said back as I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.

Just as I was about to head out the door my dad called out to me "I want you home straight after school"

"Whatever," I said not giving a damn anymore.

I heard my dad shout something at me, but I blocked it out, a sigh slipped as I closed the door behind me. A voice came from behind me making me jump slightly "good morning" Addison smiled at me.

"Morning" I smiled back as I made my way over to her so we could walk together like normal.

"What's got you all tense this morning?" Addison asked sweetly as possible.

"My parents are freaking out and it's frustrating me" I admitted grabbing a strap of my bag "and my dad has pretty much put me on house arrest"

"That bad, huh?" Addison chuckled lightly.

"Literally, just before I left the house my dad yelled at me to be house straight after school" I paused "and I might have angered him" I rolled my eyes playfully.

Addison let out another chuckle "oh, Riley" Addison hooked her arm around my shoulders. I eventually loosened up as we got closer and closer to school "so, what are you wearing to prawn?"

"I don't think I'll be going" I answered "parties aren't my thing," I said as we stopped in front of my locker, I opened my locker and placed my belongings inside as we have to be in the main hall first thing to get a lovely speech about Bucky becoming president.

"But it's not just a party" Addison paused only for her smile to drop.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked kind of concerned.

"Zed won't be allowed to attend prawn with the other zombies, how could I forget that?" She asked herself.

"It's going to be fine, I'm sure Zed will come up with some sort of plan to get everyone to prawn," I said comforting Addison to the best of my abilities.

"You're right, Zed always comes up with plans"

"Speaking of the devil, here he comes," I said as I caught sight of him strutting down the hallway, Addison turned her head over her shoulder to see her boyfriend coming towards us.

"Hey girls" Zed smiled, stopping next to Addison.

"Hey Zed" I smiled back, but Addison being herself practically jumped on the boy and engulfed him in a massive hug.


We've been waiting for what seems like forever for Principal Lee to start her speech about who's going to run for school president and well so far, it's only Bucky but I already know that Zed has a plan up his sleeve. Principal Lee finally started her speech of some sort and it was already going badly "just remember that being a part of the student council means we get to hang" she said chuckling to herself as the rest of us stayed silent. Principal Lee continued to 'try' being cool and continued to fail massively. I started to yawn when a sudden wave of cheers as the music band started up again meaning one thing. The crowd split into two sides giving Bucky allowing him to flip his way to the front, all the cheerleaders were shaking their pom poms widely but not me. Once Bucky was at the front, he made his way up onto the stage where principal Lee was standing.

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