Chapter Fifteen

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"I can't believe they arrested them" I stated as the pack and I walked around the z-patrol centre waiting for our friends to finish off with the alien.

"They attacked Seabrook" Willa almost snapped.

"Really? You call that an attack Willa" I said back "there's not that much damage, it's not like they blew up the whole of Zombietown"

"Why are you really on their side?" Willa questioned.

"So far they don't seem too dangerous so there's no need to start accusing them of bad things" I answered as calmly as possible "I'm willing to give them a chance, just like everyone did when you first came to Seabrook" Willa didn't say anything else after that but she kept giving me glares here and there but it didn't bother me.

Before we knew it one of the aliens came walking around the corner; it was the girl with the very high bob, I jumped out of my seat and stepped towards the girl "hi, I'm sorry about the z-patrol" I apologised and surprisingly she smiled at me.

"Thank you, it came as a shock me to that they put us in three different rooms," she said.

"Oh yeah, that's normal," I said, I extended my hand slightly offering her to shake my hand "I'm Riley by the way" the girl gave my hand an odd look.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"It's called a handshake, everyone does it when we meet someone for the first time, it's polite" I explained, the girl gave me a nod and attached her hand to mine but immediately a visible spark of electricity ran from her hand to mine and up my arm which spread over my entire body forcing me to let go of her hand. I groaned as I held my hand. I felt a pair of hands grip my upper arms from behind me, I looked over my shoulder to see it was Wyatt, he gave me a worried look.

"I'm very sorry, you must have some sort of energy that interferes with my spark" she apologised.

"It's fine, don't worry" I smiled at her "how about we go for a walk and talk a bit" I suggested.

"That would be amazing" she smiled back.

We started up our walk with the pack and with Wyatt attaching himself to my hand the entire time, Willa and Wynter came along as well Willa mainly wanted to see if they were trustworthy or not, but I just wanted to get to know her. It's incredible how must they know about earth and the technology they own on their ship and all the places they've been to; plants, galaxies, and even met space monsters. We learnt that the girl's name is A-li.

"We have many adventures to share with your primitive people," A-li said "we even created a digestible bacterial fermentation of lactose at sun-zero status" A-li explained.

"Woah" Wynter said amazed.

"Froyo? Yeah, we got that too" Wyatt said with a smile, he loves froyo.

"Impressive," A-li said also in amazement.

We were soon met by the other aliens as they came walking down the same corridor as us along with Addison, Zed and Bonzo.

"If you're here to invade Seabrook, our pack won't go down without a fight" Willa stated with a growl.

"We don't want your one-star plant" A-li answered Willa before facing the alien we now know as A-spen "they are so emotional" she stated making me chuckle slightly but stopping once I got a glare from Willa.

"Yes, but when in Seabrook I'm going to disengage our emotional suppressors" A-spen paused "personally, I'm excited to see what emotions feel like" A-spen waves a hand over their wrist before the alien had a sudden boost of emotion "excited! That's an emotion, it feels so exciting"

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