The Lost Prince Pt.5

Start from the beginning

He thought he heard knocking again as he closed the oven door; allowing himself a look outside his eyes widened as he saw a head of blond hair peering over the gate. 

"Katsuki?" he asked, voice loud in the quiet evening air. 


Making sure the oven was off, he pulled off his apron and wiped his hands on the towel before quickly crossing the distance towards the gate. Taking a moment to collect himself, he opened the door to see Katsuki smiling at him.

"Good evening, Shoto." Katsuki seemed to notice his fast breaths. "Are you alright?"

"O-oh yes, I'm fine. Hello."

"I thought we could attend the festival together again this evening, before the celebrations end." Bakugou stated before offering a hand. "I also found some new things to show you, if you'd allow me."

This time Shoto was less hesitant to take Katsuki's hand, but was still taken aback when the man pressed a kiss to his hand just like last time, his breath ghosting along his knuckles. He nodded his head, giving his permission, and let Katsuki lead the way. Before they got too far he was given a cloak since that night there was a cool breeze in the air, ruffling through his hair and clothes. 

He was confused when they reached the edge of the orchard but didn't head towards the town centre, instead taking a new pathway out of the town. Anxiety arose within him at being so far away from his home, but Katsuki gave a gentle squeeze to his hand that let him trust him. They didn't walk far, and soon Shoto was filled with excitement instead of worry.

"Musutafu?" he read the sign above a grand archway, where beyond were large houses and extravagant looking shops. 

"Yes. There are some attractions here I thought you'd enjoy."

Shoto nodded and they headed into the city. He marvelled at the towering street lights that edged along the cobbled, winding streets. There were shops for all kinds of things, from cooking and clothing to games and gardening. Katsuki led him to an area full of food stalls, the smells making his mouth water. He saw a stand selling noodles, a dish he had had only once or twice, and he pulled Katsuki in its direction. 

"Two portions of cold soba, please." Katsuki asked as he placed some coins down in front of the owner. 

"Coming right up. You want any garnish with that?"

Soon they were standing at the edge of a big pavilion with two bowls of cold soba with extra green onion. Shoto hummed with happiness at each bite, the simple yet rich flavours and the taste of the broth made for a delicious meal. His senses were overloaded with not only taste and smell but sight too, as they were watching a group of people perform wild tricks with hoops and fire and ropes strung high up into the air. They were doing flips and contortions that made Shoto gasp, eyes wide with both intrigue and fear. 

The show was amazing, and there were still more things to see. Katsuki showed him an arena where people were fighting with swords to win cash prizes; he was equally amused and disturbed. He ate all kinds of treats from red velvet cupcakes to green tea mochi, the latter he had three pieces of whilst Katsuki just watched him in awe. The male paid for everything, not that Shoto had money in the first place, but it felt so lovely to have someone treat him and share special things with him. He felt important and cared for in a way he hadn't truly known until now.

Of course he knew his friends cared for him, always asking about his wellbeing, but it wasn't the same when they had lives of their own that he couldn't share in. But with Katsuki he was truly living, experiencing things rather than simply hearing about them. Shoto felt nothing but gratitude in his heart, alongside the new and insistent something in his chest that had taken up permanent residence ever since he first saw Katsuki.

"Shoto, I want to show you something." Katsuki said before leading him towards the centre of the square, where a giant three-tiered water fountain was full of pennies and coins where people had made their wishes; yet, instead of going there they went to the left towards a large stone wall that was covered in a giant portrait.

"This is a mural of the royal family. It was made many years ago but is redone at each anniversary by the citizens." Katsuki explained, Shoto clinging onto each word. "Many years ago, the youngest son went missing and was never found, so this mural is a sign that if he ever returned he would know his way home."

They reached the large portrait and Shoto took a moment to admire the colour and skill before taking a closer look at the people. The man with the crown must be their King, Enji Todoroki. His father was never particularly fond of him, but he knew better than to ask why. Next to him was a woman with white flowing hair and grey eyes, and on the other side a young man with bright red hair that was as wild as Katsuki's. There was a young girl who looked like a smaller version of the woman next to Enji, he assumed she was their daughter, and next to her a boy with the same pure white hair.

He felt that these people were familiar to him, that he could recall their faces and expressions far in the depths of his earliest memories. It took him a moment to realise that, for some impossible reason, they all in some way looked like him: the red or white hair, and the blue or grey eyes. He let out a shaky breath as he looked at the bright turquoise eyes of the King, he felt like they were peering right into his soul. 

There was a final figure that he noticed, sitting at the King's feet. It was a young boy given his figure, but the face was smeared like the painter had tried to create his features too many times before giving up and wiping it away. Red and white paint swirled together, fading to grey as weathered by the years. Taking a step closer, Shoto raised his hand to match it with the little boy's on the mural, gasping at the magnetic pull he felt in his palm. 

"Shoto?" he heard Katsuki call for him, pulling him out of his daze as he realised he was crying, the tears warm against his cold cheeks. 

"I-I..." Shoto stammered, looking quickly between each person in the painting as if scared they would disappear again like they did so many years ago. "This..." he raised a shaky hand to his cheek to wipe away his tears, "What's wrong with me?" he whispered.

"Shoto." Katsuki took a step forward and he took one step back, shaking his head.

"E-excuse me." he muttered before turning and running away, disappearing into the crowd as he escaped Musutafu and back to the safety of his home. He ignored the calls of his name behind him, knowing if he turned around the little composure he had left would crumble down...

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