- Who are you anyway? Don't poke your nose where it's none of your business, get away from him and go!

- Shut up, I'm not even going to make a move! Harry is mine! he's my husband and you better get out of here! - Zayn also said strictly. oh my god did he say husband.

- Ah, as I think you're our little girl now... - They turned to me again.

- Harry, let's go, otherwise I won't be able to control my anger! - zayn told me quietly and gently pushed me to the exit.

- You can't go anywhere, for the whole eighteen years he has a debt to pay.

- He has a name! - Zayn growled, I suddenly jumped, as soon as he felt that I was tensed, the movement of the thumb started again.

- Let me put it this way. In the university where your daughter is studying, professors are very close to me and they have lectures and how about your girl not being able to graduate from the university or even worse, your husband is in my friend's company, how about one call and he is fired. do you want it? - He was saying very quietly and calmly, I heard everything and I caught the people's eyes full of interest.

- we do not...

- You will never bother Harry or else I will only need one call to destroy you! - He left the speechless women and led me to the slaughterhouse.

we got into the car, tears started to escape from my eyes and I started crying loudly.

- Z... why me? why? - Zayn leaned towards me, took me in his hand and put me on his lap.

- Sweetis shhh don't cry my love... my strong boy calm down my love please... - he comforted me, his tender words, breathing, he is relaxing me.

- I didn't do anything wrong Zayn...

- I know sweetie I know you didn't do anything wrong, you are my pure little boy... shhh I'm here, I'm with you, don't cry anymore, calm down, we don't want to make Malik Jr. worry sweetie. - I looked up and wiped my tears with the collar of his jumper.

- Mhhh. - We sat in the car for a few minutes and when I finally calmed down, we went home. Zayn held my hand the whole way, and I leaned my head against the window.

- Zayn.

- Yes sweetie.

- Will you really do what you said? - I think he understood what I told him about.

- Harry calm down, until you're safe and calm I won't do anything until then!

- thanks. - I whispered and moved towards him to kiss him.

- I love you very much and thank you so much. - I whispered in his ear and kissed him.

- I love you too. - He gave me his brilliant smile.

I woke up in the morning in the cold, Zayn was nowhere to be found, and I almost started crying. I got out of bed and noticed the letter.

"Sweetie, I'm going to work and I'll be back soon, the girls will come and take you for fun, but try not to go too far without me!.. Kisses, and hugs and love you Zayn." "

I laughed and started eating breakfast. Soon Amelia and Stefania came. We stayed at home for a while and soon they took me for a walk.


I sneaked into the house and when I realized that it was empty, I called the boys.

- Louis Red roses, not pink bro!

It's a least I can do ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن