I gave a light courtesy to both of them before hugging Aunt Marie.

"I'm so happy you came Victoria."

"We all are." Uncle Frederick said as he hugged me. We walked to our seats, got the whole reception, then we were taken to the Palace. As soon as I walked into the Green Room, I saw everyone. My parents, my cousins, my grandparents. Eventually, I knew we would adjourn to the Press Room, where Arthur and I would take pictures with my family. We just needed a minute to sort it all out.

"I'm not going to lie Victoria, I didn't think you would come."  My father said as he hugged me. I slowly returned the hug.

"I didn't think I had an option."

"Well, we're just happy to have you back here." My grandfather said with a smile.

"Thank you. Can we please take these pictures and get this over with?"

"Of course. Prince Arthur, I hope your flight went well?" My grandmother asked with a smile.

"It did, thank you, Your Majesty. Victoria and I are really happy to be here."

"You don't need to lie to me. I know my granddaughter enough to know when she's lying. She has many things, but happiness isn't one of them." She walked past us and disappeared behind the door.

"Victoria, Arthur, let's head to the Press Room for the official pictures." Uncle Frederick said with a smile. He led us out of the Green Room and into the Press Room. The Press was thrilled to see Arthur and I. 

We first posed for a picture with my grandmother, then one with my aunt and uncle, then one with all of us. After our shoot, Arthur and I had to visit one of my aunt's charity organizations. The press was feeding off this.

We were currently at the children's hospital. I instantly connected with Abigail. She was this 5-year-old with cancer. We were seated at the round table with the children, and I was playing a game with her.

"Are you a princess?" She asked lowly.

"I am."

"Is he a prince?" She asked looking at Arthur. I placed a warm hand on his back, and he turned. He smiled at her, and then at me, before replying.

"I am."

"Are you going to get married, like the cartoons?"

"As a matter of fact, we are. And I would love it if you could be there." She was thrilled! The press couldn't get enough. The truth is that I didn't even do anything because of them. I genuinely saw something in Abigail. She was a good kid.

"My mommy tells me that I'm her little princess. I'm a princess too!" She played with her doll gently.

"Of course, you are! And do you know something that all princesses should be?"


"Strong. Loyal. Brave. And true. Do you have all those qualities?"

"I do." I smiled and held her hand.

"Then, you are a princess. Inside and out." I hugged her before turning to the next child.

It was a long engagement. We had a meeting with the management, then the kids. We had playtime, then Arthur, myself, and my aunt, served them lunch. 

Arthur and I rode in a separate car on our way back to the Palace. He had been on a call for the longest time, but that was finally over.

"You invited a child to the wedding?" He asked as he took my hand in his.

"I did. There's something unique about her, Arthur."

"Well, the press is currently in a frenzy about today's engagement. Let's just hope our crazy families love it."

The Royal Series : Book 1Where stories live. Discover now