Chapter Twenty-Seven: Johnny, Friday

Start from the beginning

How are you doing?

He sighed. She was about the last person he wanted to hear from today, but he owed her an answer, at least; she'd given him more than he'd ever hoped for, for someone he barely knew: pleasant conversation, fun, sex the likes of which he hadn't experienced in years. The fact that she'd texted less than two days after they'd last been together, though, spoke of someone who might be wanting more from him, and he just couldn't give it to her.

Hi Melody. Actually, I'm not doing so well. My wife is missing.

Her response was immediate. WTF?

She's angry with me for cheating. She moved out and left her phone at home. I don't know where she is, and I'm worried about her.

Those three dots blinked for a minute as she composed her answer. I'm sorry. This has gotten too real. I'll leave you alone. I'm probably the last person you want to hear from.

She was intuitive, that was for sure. He typed: No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to involve you in this. None of this is your fault. I appreciate you reaching out. 

She didn't respond, and he imagined she was done with him. It was probably for the best. He couldn't give her any more attention, and he wasn't worth hers anyway.

He was about to put his phone back on the nightstand when it suddenly rang. He was so surprised he nearly dropped it, and with his lack of sleep, the sound of it ringing made his frayed nerves jangle.

He looked at the screen. Lauren. Of all the people to call. At one time a call from her would have made his heart race in anticipation, hearing her voice, picturing her naked and on top of him. Melody was supposed to be her stand-in, and she'd both dispelled and heightened that illusion, being nothing like Lauren in personality but intriguing and sexy in her own way, making Johnny like her even better despite himself; it was sad that he had to let her go, but he couldn't imagine a scenario where she could remain in his life if he ever wanted Val to return.

He answered. "Hello?"

"Johnny?" she asked. "Are you okay? You sound rough."

Leave it to Lauren to point out the obvious. "Haven't really slept," he grumbled.

"So, no word?"

"No. Vic and Tilly took Val's phone, they're talking to some people she's talked to recently."

"That's a great idea. Good detective work on their part. Didn't they once express interest in becoming P.I.s?"

"Only because they both have crushes on you."

"Ew. I'm their aunt. I refuse to be their Mrs. Robinson."

"No, I imagine you're getting enough action from people your own age."

She was quiet for a moment before saying, "I'm not going to engage with you on this topic. It's not appropriate, and anyway it's not helpful; my trying to explain things to Val on Wednesday didn't make things better, did it."

"No. You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you're sleep-deprived and not thinking clearly."

They were both quiet now, Johnny because he was embarrassed. What must Lauren think of him? That he was a dirty middle-aged man with a crush on her himself? 

When he could bear the silence no longer, he swallowed down his embarrassment and said, "Look, I think I'm going to go to the police today."

"I think that's a good idea. I'd go with you today but I'm on surveillance for a client."

So Sweet a Changeling: A Novel of the Terribly Acronymed Detective Club (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now