"Long story. But what about you two?" I asked them curiously.

"We couldnt sleep," Conor shrugged.

"Well, it's great that you're here, because you can now help us with picking out beautiful clothes." Izzy said, flashing a smile. It had been a while since she actually did that. The boys nodded, and Nick came to help me, while Conor helped Izzy.

You'd usually think they're gay or something, for helping us, girls. But they arent. They just have a really good fashion sense, which is sometimes even better than mine. Nick kept throwing dresses, pants, shorts, tops, and skirts at me, and I just held them. If I didnt like it he'd just shrug and place it back on the rack.

"C'mon, go try them on!" Nick ordered, pushing me into a dressing room. I screamed, but went in.

I put on a red, strapless, dress which he had picked out, with a think black shiny belt in the middle. I went to my mid thigh, and it wasnt at all tight. I mean, it was slightly tight on top, but from the belt down, it was flowy. I had to be careful with that.

I walked out of the dressing room, and went out looking for Nick. I looked around for him, and found him looking at some shirts for himself. I sneak behind the rack, and when he leas expects it, I jump up.

"Hi," I said, when he jumped a bit in fright.

"Mac dont scare me like that." Nick said, looking slightly shocked.

"Sorry," I said smiling sheepishly at him. I was still behind the rack, so he couldnt see my dress.

"Did you try something on?" Nick asked curiously.

"Yeah" I told him, still smiling.

"Can I see it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe," I joked, making him roll his eyes.

"Whatever. I just dont think its me who you should hiding from. There are five boys checking you out behind you, if you still havent noticed." Nick said, making me turn around.

Great. Simply Great. (Note sarcasm).

In front of me was the five One Direction boys. I shrugged, and looked back at Nick.

"Now, go on. Let me see it." Nick said, making a sign for me to step away from the rack for him to see me. I did as told, and he checked me out. "I liked it. It's looks good on you."

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Welcome. Now go try some new things." He told me, pushing in the direction of the dressing rooms. I shrugged, and entered the same dressing room as before.

I closed the door, and locked it for good mesure. As soon as I did so, I heard Izzy screaming at someone. Probably the boys. I'll check on them later though. I took off the dress, and put on a pair of red shorts, with a white blouse.

I walked out, and wasnt ready for what waited for me. The five boys were waiting for me with Izzy. Nick and Conor looked at me, with confusion all over their faces. Oh gosh... I'll have a lot of explaining to do afterwards.

"Uh..." I said, turning my attention to Nick. "What do you think?"

"Mac." Nick said in a warning tone. I tried to smile, but it didnt work.

"Ok, what happened?" I asked the five boys who were sitting on the couch with Izzy.

"Nothing." Zayn shrugged. I gave them a warning look before turning my gaze to Izzy.

"Well Kenz, as it seems, the boys have been following us all night, because they dont trust us enough." Izzy explained.

"That's not true." Liam defended himself, and the boys.

"So what is the truth?" I asked.


I really dont understand MacKenzie. Sometimes, she plays dumb, and innocent. But most times, she shocks me. She can be very persistent, and smart, and confident. But that only happens when she wants to. No one can make be someone she isnt.

"Well, we were worried about you two." Liam explained.

"So you followed us?" Mac asked, as if not believing it.

"Uh... Yeah?" Zayn said, as if it was a question.

"You're all unbelievable. Like seriously. You should think twice before doing some things." I said, shaking my head.

"We do think twice. We just wanted to be sure." Lou said, nodding.

"C'mon. I'm gonna go change." Mac said, leaving. She opened the door to the dressing room, then quickly closed it behind her.

"Look what you did now. Mac and I were having girl time, but you just dont leave us alone." I said angrilly. "Why dont you just go to your girlfriends?!?"

"They all went with Perrie to meet Little Mix." Zayn explained, making my mouth drop open.

I thought we were all going to meet Little Mix together. That was the plan. But, as everything else, I think everything changed. It will never be the same, and that kind of hurts. But, I dont show how sad I am because of that, because it will only break MacKenzie even more. 

"Oh." Was all I said, as if I understood them. But I dont. Because if I did, we wouldnt fight all the time. 

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