Walk in the Garden

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-"Can we walk in the garden, I've been meaning to leave the room to stretch" I asked.

-"Mm-hmm" Ray, like always helped me up, doing it carefully as if I were to break if he held me any harder.

-"Ray, you don't have to help me up, I'm pregnant, not disabled" I giggled and he pulled me in for a hug.

-"I know, I know but I don't want anything happening to you and my little gem"

-"How is she?"

-"She's fine, a bit feisty but it's okay"

-"Are you-"

-"I'm not hungry and I'm not tired, I really want to go on a walk!" I snapped, feeling a bit angry as the 'little gem' kept kicking.

-"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Ray cut me off, giving me a small kiss.

-"It's okay, now let's go on your walk" he took my hand softly, leading me over to the gardens.

-"You're due pretty soon, right?" Ray asked as I looked at the flowers.

-"Yeah, not looking forward to it either, mom was talking to me about it and I can't tell if she was trying to warn or scare me" I sighed.

-"You'll be okay" Ray led me to a bench, he sat with me on his lap, cradling me in his arms as if I was a baby.

-"I hope so" I hid my face in his chest, finding the soft beating of his heart soothing.

-"Why don't we go take a nap, we have a few hours before dinnertime" I nodded softly.

-Small Time Skip-

-"Are you comfortable?" no, my belly was getting in the way but I really just wanted to sleep and feel Ray next to me so I nodded a yes.

-"Are you sure?"

-"...no, not really, but it's okay I just really want a nap"

-"How about this?" he moved to the other side, my back against his chest and his arms wrapped around me.

-"It's better, thank you" he kissed the top of my head and I leaned back, the rising and lowering of his chest soothing me to sleep as he took breaths.

-Middle of the Night-

I jolted awake from the immense pain coming from my belly. I thought it was her kicking again until I felt it again, no, this wasn't her kicking...this was her wanting to get out.

-"Ray! Ray!" I moved his shoulder around.

-"RAY! WAKE UP!" I yelled hitting him with a pillow next to me.

-"W-what? Is she kicking again?" Ray was half asleep, his eyes half-closed as he rubbed them.

-"No she's-...COMING!" I yelled the last part and Ray got out of bed quickly, rushing out of the room to call doctors.


One last part!


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora