Dragon Plans and Explanations

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I rushed in to see Ray slumped on the ground looking guilty and Sisu mumbling to herself while walking back and forth.

-"You broke the gem!"

-"I still have a big chunk of it though," Ray admitted while I clutched the weird chunk I had, that laid in my pocket.

-"Is that supposed to make me feel better!!" Sisu yelled at our faces.

-"If you lost a puppy, and I said...'Well we still have a big chunk of it' would that make you feel better?!"

-"You can make another one?" I asked.

-"No, I can't just make another one!" She replied and then explained how she hadn't really contributed much into making the gem, but when she touched it she began to glow.

-"You're glowing!" I exclaimed excitedly.

-"Oh, thank you!" she rambled on about her beauty routines before she noticed she was literally glowing.

-"Oh! This is my little sister's Amba's magic! I got the glow!"

-"Your little sister magic?"

-"Yeah, every dragon has a unique magic, some dragon couples even link their magic to each other!"

-"Okay! What's yours?" Ray asked.

-"I'm a really strong swimmer," she announced proudly.

-"Wait, wait, wait, you touched this gem piece and it gave you powers. You know what this means right?!"

-"I know longer need a night light?" I facepalmed at Sisu's response.

-"What No! You're still connected to the gem's magic and that means you can still use it to save the world" he explained.

-"If we can get all the other gem pieces, you can reassemble them!"

-"And BOOM the druun away" they said simultaneously.

-"And bring my Ba back?" Ray asked.

-"And bring all of Kumandra back" she assured.

-Somewhere Not to Far From Them-


Several serlot's with riders rode quickly through the desert letting the dust behind them build up into small dust storms. They rush through but return when they spot a gold ring laying still on the sand. One of the riders got down and picked it up, bringing it up to their eyesight and instantly recognizing the pattern imprinted on it. Walking to the edge of the cliff they looked out and saw the shipwreck.

-"Prince Namaii, the Tail lands are infested with Druun" a guard warned the prince.

-"Benja's son and the girl are as good as stone here, retrieving some useless dragon scroll and girl isn't worth the risk" he continued. Namaii threw the guard into the ground and walked forward.

-"Anyone else wanna question why we're out here?" he asked intimidatingly, while everyone backed up.

-"And she's not some girl, I hear anyone disrespect her again and there will be severe consequences!" he warned before they rode away.

Leaving the other guards in question why their prince wanted to find some girl and old scroll so badly.


I'm really sorry I haven't updated, my mom wanted a "electronic free" weekend so all computers, tablets, T.V. and phones where stored away. 

She still got to keep hers which got everyone mad, I was finally able to get it back today (after begging her to let me have it back). I literally haven't written any chapters, I'm so annoyed. 

But it's okay, hopefully I get time to write this week and I'll try my best to update daily. 


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now