Family Meals

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-"Okay! So we're gonna need crossbows and catapults and...what else?"

-"Maybe we can share a meal with them and..." I suggested.

-"Actually that's..." chief Benja started but was interrupted by me and my exciting plan.

-"And poison them, and it'll be easy and quick" I finished and dusted off my dress.

-"That's a great idea!" Ray congratulated me.

-"Or, how about shrimp paste from Tail, lemon grass from Talon, bamboo shoots from Spine, chilies from Fang and palm sugar from Heart" the chief said while pouring the last bits of palm sugar.

-"So...we'll poison them, isn't that what Y/n just said?" Ray asked while I shrugged.

-"No, we're not going to poison them, and we're not going to fight them, we're gonna share a meal with them" chief Benja stated calmly as he poured three bowls of the now bubbling soup.

-"Wait?!What?!" Ray and I replied simultaneously, surprised by what he had just said.

-"I invited them," he continued.

-"But they're our enemies!" Ray admitted persistently, while taking the bowl of soup.

-"They're only our enemies because they think the dragon gem magically brings us prosperity"

-"What? That's absurd the land has always been like this, if anything I bet the dragon gem is slowly weakening the land" I huffed out while mumbling a 'thank you' as he passed me a bowl of soup.

-"They assume it does, just like we assume things about them"

-"Kids, there's a reason why each land is named after a part of a dragon, we were once unified as one, Kumandra"

-"That's ancient history Ba" Ray responded, his expression changing slightly.

-"But it doesn't have to be, if we don't stop and learn to trust one another again, it's only a matter of time before we tear each other apart"

-"This isn't the world I want you to live in, this isn't the world Y/n's parents wanted her to live in" he sighed out.

-"I believe we can be Kumandra again, but someone has to take the first step"

-"Trust me" he concluded while smiling at us, after that we let the silence sink in as we drank the hot soup that left a warm feeling as it went down our throats.

-"Once your done with the soup get dressed, I assume our guests will arrive soon"

-"Y/n I had a dress sent to your room and Ray, wear the blue outfit we got last week" the chief said before leaving for what we assumed was to get ready.

-"You think the other lands will want to unite?" Ray asked me.

-"I...I'm not sure but we can hope for the best" I answered, giving him a soft smile.


I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday like I promised, I came home late and I had felt sick all day. It wasn't a very good day...but here's the chapter!

For the people who have requested I'm working on a story right now but I'm about done. So next will be Alice in Wonderland (still debating on the animation or the live action) and after that Tangled. 

I have some ideas for both, but depending on the one I have a bit more plans, ideas and interest for will be written first! One of these will PROBABLY be released after the Raya and the Last Dragon, that's if I don't get sick or go out too much. I also have Monday off so that'll give me a good head-start. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora