The New Guardians

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We took off our shoes and stepped in, admiring the beautiful plants and flowers and cool air found inside. Climbing up the stairs carefully, to not slip on the small waterfall that flowed across the middle of the staircase, we made our way to the top. Waiting for us at the top was Sisu's gem, the gem was sitting on a pedestal giving off a light blue luminous glow.

-"Whoa" Ray mumbled as we stared out at the beautiful gem, with a great distance between us.

-"Wait a second...this feels too easy," he admitted as we turned to look at the entrance found behind us to see if there were any slight changes. Turning to look forward again, a person stood in front of the gem blocking it, with a sword in hand.

-"Chief Benja...I know it's your job to try and stop us, but you won't" I huffed out, as Ray gave him a smirk.

-"Don't mistake spirit for skill, young ones" the chief replied, with no expressions visible due to the mask covering his face.

-"I promise you will not set foot on the Dragon Gem's inner circle, not even a toe" he warned.

-"You might want to take out that blade, you're gonna need it," Ray stated confidently.

-"Not today" he responded as they both simultaneously got their weapons out.

The battle was tough but fun, it was funny to see Ray get so tense and persistent against the chief to try and set foot into the gem's inner circle. It was a pattern between the chief and I then Ray, and as we attacked he'd turn left to block my attacks and right to block Ray's. He eventually 'beat us' resulting in me landing on the ground with Ray a few inches away.

-"Boop" he teased as he 'booped' Ray and I with his sword at our nose.

-"Like I said, not a foot on the inner circle" he continued and removed his mask, to reveal who we expected Chief Benja, also known as Ray's father.

-"You lost, kids" he finished off with a big smirk plastered on his face.

-"Did I?" Ray asked as the Chief looked down to see Ray's toe on the circle.

-"I probably should have said two toes" he half laughed as he stretched out his hands to both of us.

-"You should have said both feet" I admitted playfully as they both turned to face me.

-"I win!" I announced happily as they saw my whole foot on the inner circle, Ray shook his head from side to side half laughing as Chief Benja looked at me surprised.

-"Just like your mother and father, you did good, you both did" he congratulated us, while he helped me up.

-"You passed the test" he moved to the side letting us see the gem up close. It was light blue, almost turquoise and had an illuminated glow to it that made it look like a bunch of diamonds.

-"Wow" I sighed out.

-"The spirit of Sisu" Ray stated as the three of us got on our knees and saluted the symbol.

-"For generations our family, and your family has sworn to protect the gem"

-"Today, you will both join that legacy" he stated as he cupped his hands into the water surrounding the gem.

-"Ray, Prince of heart, my son you are now a guardian of the dragon gem" he poured the water onto Ray's head, it bubbled up and surrounded the gem.

-"Y/n, daughter of M/n and D/n, the guardian princess you are now a guardian of the dragon gem" same as Ray he poured the water and let it bubble up to finally surround the gem.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

See you tomorrow!


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now